Yay and Meh and :-( - Today's Mini Recap, 8/30/10

Aug 30, 2010 19:06

Wanted to do a recap today for a couple reasons, one being that I didn't do one on Friday last week, and therefore didn't get to SQUEE over BENRY'S WEDDING!!!

I'm very happy for them. The ceremony was beautiful, and I LOVED the character interaction. I'm glad Paul came around and I'm glad stupid James Stenbeck was finally erased from the canvas of everyone's lives. WHEE! And Benry ride off into the sunset. XD

We had some happiness and some sadness and some whatever-ness today.

Happiness for me was Casey and Ali getting re-engaged. I'm really happy for them, because I've always loved Casey/Ali. I know a lot of you hate Alison with everything you've got :-P, but I like seeing them being so happy and cute together. Nancy's ring won't go to waste, and Casey and Ali get to move away from Oakdale, be near Will and Gwen in Carbondale, and make their dreams come true. It's all any young couple could ask for, really.

Sadness today was that Bob found Nancy at her apartment today, and she'd passed away. He was able to announce it to a large chunk of the Hughes family, so a lot of them know. Bob was really upset and Kim had tears in her eyes. :-( Tomorrow's ep is going to focus on honoring Nancy, which should be really nice in a bittersweet way. :-)

And the whatever-ness for me was Katie and Chris. I'm not even going to go into detail about how I feel about them, because just thinking about their story infuriates me beyond the use of words. I know those of you who are spoiler-free won't understand why I'm hating on them, but trust me, come show's end, you'll see where I'm coming from. I wouldn't hate on a story or the characters in it without reason, I promise you.

One thing I do want to say is that I think Katie forgave Chris MIGHTY quick for not telling her that he was y'know...DYING. She was all, "Why did you lie? Oh well, let's just get you through it," which to some sounds very admirable, but to any other hot-blooded person in the world, I think we'd be PISSED if our significant other withheld information like that. I mean, yeah, help him through it, Katie, but don't misplace your anger on someone else and let Chris off scot-free. Especially if the person you chose to wail on is the one person who was trying to keep your stupid-ass boyfriend alive.

Ugh. I'm sorry. I've lost my taste for ANYTHING concerning Katie and Chris. They're not even that good of a couple. Holden has more romantic chemistry with his tractor than the two of them have with each other.

Reid and John Dixon were fantastic, though. OMG FANTASTIC. I love how awkward Reid was with Bob when he kept grilling him about the "mystery patient" (note: in reply to said patient: GAG) and I love how Kim was like, "They're basically the same person!" when observing John and Reid, and I love how Reid and John have teamed up (and how John called Reid an "odd duck" or something of the sort. *snorfle*). I love seeing Reid when he's in doctor mode (we don't get enough of it, IMO), so I enjoyed his scenes today immensely.

And I love how Reid told Katie that he cared about her (and called her a bonehead). Honestly, guys...I love everything this guy does. He could dress in drag and do the hula, and I'd still love the holy hell out of Reid. ♥ Same goes for ESS. ♥

Probably will do another recap on Wednesday, depending on how I feel (and what transpires onscreen). See you all then! :-)


bob/kim, recap post, lisa, john dixon, katie/chris, casey/alison, doc oliver, written by g

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