Ranty rant time? Yup, I think so!

Aug 28, 2010 17:02

I hate hate hate hate HATE HATE HATE HATE



this ending for Luke and Reid. It is unfathomable to me.

Seriously guys, this kind of thing - this "great love found, then epic death happens" thing SERIOUSLY FUCKS WITH ME. As in, it keeps me up at night, makes me cry from the injustice of it all. It messes with my head and screws my emotions up.

I HATE THIS TYPE OF THING. I hate it in real life, I hate it on TV, I HATE IT EVERYWHERE. I know it happens in RL and I have a hard enough time dealing with it then. This is only fiction on ATWT, but I still HATE IT with every fiber of my being. It's cruel and unjust and could have been completely avoided in this case.

I'm so angry that this is how the show chose to end it for Luke, Reid, and Noah. This is how we get to remember the show and the characters that we've all invested in? What did we do to TPTB to deserve this?!

I never thought it would end this way. I thought one side of L/N/R would ride off happily into the sunset, and that meant that at least the fans of one side of this "triangle" would have been happy with the end. I thought I couldn't lose, because I loved both couples! Boy was I wrong. DEAD WRONG. Pun intended.

And we don't get a do-over. Characters can't come back from the dead a la James Stenbeck this time. It's over, and having Reid die was the way the writers wanted to go. I don't know what to do with this, and we haven't even gotten there yet. One second I'm like, "Eh whatev, we have fanfiction and the writers can go suck on a dead dog's nose." Then the next moment I keep reading those two awful words about Reid next week, and I end up sitting in front of my computer absolutely speechless. This is NOT how we should feel. TIIC should have chosen an uplifting, happy end for ALL of their fans, if for nothing else but to show a small token of respect for YEARS of loyalty and investment.

This is going to sound mean, and I'm really not a vindictive person, but at the moment, I want a severe backlash to befall CG and Jean-Crap-in-the-Head and anyone else who made this decision. They reached out and hurt me and at the moment all I want to do is hurt them back. It's so irrational and I hate it. I HATE that this is how I have to feel about the ending of a show that I so dearly loved and cherished.

My mother has this saying that's supposed to help me when something out of my control happens and hurts me for a reason I can't pin-point. It's very blunt and not at all fancy, but hearing her say it after I complain about something, or me being able to apply it whenever I can usually makes me feel better. So the saying goes: "The world is full of assholes."

Yeah. True, isn't it? Just typing that made me feel better, 'cause we all know who the assholes are in this instance. We can chalk it up to that, and either Nuke or LuRe (or both!) can live in our hearts forever.

But God. I'm so annoyed and hurt and heartbroken and everything else in between. Thanks, ATWT. It's been great losing you in this capacity. I'm glad we couldn't just part with a nice bittersweet ending so I could look back on you with fondness.


Sorry, everyone. I'm always Team Optimism, but even I have my moments sometimes. I am going to be looking forward to seeing Van and Eric pull this off, because I know they're going to do a wonderful job with what they've been given. I'm just really sad that it had to be this way at all.

eric sheffer stevens, luke/reid, van hansis, written by g, no fricking words, real life issues post, noah

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