One Empty and Unused Bridal Suite? Check. Thanks, ATWT Writers - Today's Recap, 8/3/10

Aug 03, 2010 19:15

I think you guys might have to do the recapping of the Craig/Blackthorn bits for me, because I think I fell asleep during them. Seriously...what a snorefest. Like I said before, Blackthorn is like, two feet tall, and probably the most harmless-looking person I've ever seen on the planet. Craig could have just stepped on him and squashed him like a bug in Old Town.

Nevertheless, Blackthorn tells Craig he wants his money back, or something awful might happen to Johnny. Dude, if you touch one hair on that kid's beautiful little head, I will smash you MYSELF! Piss off back to Munchkinland.

And Lucinda, wtf? She says, "Well, I might as well be honest here," and then continues to LIE to Lily! She said she "heard of" shady dealings with Francoise, when she's the one who SET THEM UP! Agh. And then she's all, "I didn't know you were in France *innocent blink*" at Craig. I like my Lucinda when she's pushy and stubborn, but when she's pushy and stubborn for GOOD things. Not things that ruin what's left of Lily's dying self-esteem. >_<

Aaaaaaand Holden and Molly. Really, Holden, not even a flash of concern over Molly cancelling her marriage to you went through your head? Not even when you had hours upon hours in a plane sitting next to your ex-wife who was gripping your hand ever so tightly?

Like I've said before, men are dumb! :-P I felt bad for Molly in this situation. I do believe that she and Holden love each other, but she's right...Holden will never give up on his quest to save Lily from everything Evil and Bad. He flew halfway around the world just to protect her from Craig, for cryin' out loud! *headdesk*

It's too bad we didn't see the scene where Luke comforted Abigail over everything. I really would have liked to see that; see them bond a bit more. :-( But maybe now Molly can go stay with Abigail for a while and they can patch each other up. :-)

And Faith. *eyeroll* "You don't have to stay here to watch me cry," she says to Parker. DUDE. NOBODY WANTS TO WATCH YOU CRY, YA DUMB BITCH. The world doesn't revolve around you! And thankfully, neither does Parker. Unfortunately, he still orbits Planet Liberty most of the time. >_<

Jack and Carly were really great today. I like how Carly faked her hurt ankle only to have it turn out to be somewhat true and then Jack carried her out the farm door. HEE. I hope they get married (again) before the show ends. They've really been tortured for so long, and somehow they've still managed to keep it all together. I'd like to see them really reunite before the end. ♥ They seem to be the only couple that I can tolerate the whole back-and-forth BS without it driving me completely nuts. I'm not quite sure why that is. *shrug*

Speaking of couples and BS - let's go with Luke.

Okay. You guys know my disclaimer. I'm a Luke girl through-and-through. I love the shit out of Luke, and I would follow him to the gates of Hell and back. I relate to him on levels I can't even explain.

But what kind of asshattery was that, in the bridal suite today? I must be a skank or something, because DUDE...I wouldn't have passed that opportunity up.

Okay, I might have passed the room up, just because it would be creepy to be having sex where my father and his new bride were planning to have sex. But I would have kept Reid's suggestion and just changed locations!

Also...I think it's really creepy to associate sex with my ex-boyfriend to sex with my new boyfriend. Yeah, the act - in form - might be the same, but with someone else it's totally different! The feelings are completely unique and the experience is completely unique. So thinking about past sex with someone else just rubs me the wrong way. Talk about being taken out of the mood. Sheesh, Luke!

I think I would have been better with it if he just said he wasn't ready yet. If he was just sorting through all his feelings or something. Equating it to Noah just kind of freaked me out. What, every time he kisses Reid he's thinking of Noah kisses? Every time things get a little hot and heavy with Reid, he's thinking of Noah? BLECHHHHHH. And not because it's Noah. Just because you shouldn't associate intimate acts with the old guy and the new guy. >_>

Ergh. I have no idea if I explained that correctly. I guess that's why Luke put the brakes on, right? Because he still equates it all with Noah. But'd think at this point, he'd have let it go. Since he was so desperate for them to act and be seen as a real couple. Oh, Luke...stop docblocking yourself!!!

I gotta hand it to Reid, though. The scene with the kids was freakin' hilarious. I wouldn't have been surprised if he'd gone into Claustrophobic!TrappedInAnElevator!Reid and started sweating while interacting with them. Too damn cute. And I LOVED how he helped Ethan off the stool. *_*

AAAAAND major props to him for not losing his cool in the bridal suite. When your new boyfriend tells you he can't bonk you because he's got Noah!Sexytiems still on the brain, what do you do? >_< But Reid was great, and he seemed to understand. Man, this guy's got it bad. If he wasn't head over heels for Luke, he would have PEACED. THE FUCK. OUT. by now. :-P And that little smile after the kiss? *swoon* Reid so lurrrrrrrves Luke. ♥

Oh yeah, and that kiss. Holy shit. While I loved it to smithereens and will no doubt watch it too many times to mention from now on, I kinda felt like Luke was sending Reid mixed signals. "No sexytiems! Sexytiems are bad! But lemme just suck your face off and be all sexy and breathe heavily all over you and claw at your hair and totally turn you on right now." Luke honey, you don't seem to need time. You seem to need some lovin'. Let the good doctor make you feel good!


Anyway, I'm sorry if this came out more like a complaint. I did enjoy what little we got of Luke and Reid. I just wish the writers weren't assholes and making Luke all hesitant. The guy spent three years practically shoving Noah in the direction of every bed in the vicinity, but now he's hesitant with Reid? I don't quite get it, and I don't get where the writers are going with this. I guess they didn't want to make it seem like Luke rushed in too fast? I dunno. But this means that I am holding the writers to a HIGHER LEVEL OF EFFICIENCY from now on. When the true Luke/Reid sexytiems REALLY happens, it better be worth the wait. Hear me, writers?! I want it to be perfect. And I want it to be driven by the fact that both guys want it, especially Luke. *imagines Luke pulling Reid into the bedroom with those flirty, seductive eyes* Um. YEAH.

Anyway. Wedding Day blues for everyone involved, not just Holden and Molly. Ah, well. Hopefully things will start to pick up soon! Fear not, my fellow ATWT-watchers...we shall tread these murky waters together! Or something else that's not so cheesy. :-D


ethan, luke/reid, natalie, faith, recap post, craig, lily, carly/jack, parker, written by g, lucinda, holden/molly

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