Love Should Be Pragmatic...Or It Should Have Hot Lips, Great Hair, and a Nice Ass - Today's Recap

Aug 02, 2010 19:30


I swear....I don't objectify Luke at ALL.


Okay, first I have to say that I haven't watched the last two eps of the show yet - they're still waiting patiently on my DVR - so I'm uninformed on the whole Holden-chasing-after-Lily thing (besides what we learned from today's episode), but I wanted to do a mini recap today anyway, because this episode was fun.

First reason it was fun? CHARACTER INTERACTION. ZOMG People talked to each other! The world must be flat!

Second reason it was fun? Psycho!Craig doing his best Jack Nicholson outside of Lucinda's office door, complete with a threat to "huff, puff, and blow her whole world down". Hmm...there's a naughty joke in there somewhere. :-P

And third reason it was fun? FUCKING REID OLIVER. I will spare my thoughts till later and place them under a cut for those of you who would rather see him six feet under and decaying instead of fangirled over. :-) He was merely a reason why I, personally, enjoyed this episode beyond belief. :-)

And now for the un-fun:

Fricking Faith. "Do you think I'm hot?" No, I think you're an immature, egotistical skank who needs to NOT HAVE A CRUSH ON HER COUSIN. say potato, I say slutmuffin...same thing, right? :-P

Also, WTF was with her fricken day-glo dress?! Ugh. I started having epileptic seizures at its first appearance! >_<

Holden Snyder. Quick! Somebody catch the Oakdale Brain and hand it over to him, 'cause he made a BIG boo-boo by not using it today! Forget him being back to the wedding on time. Just the fact that he left in the first place - to go after LILY, no less - would have me putting my foot so far up his behind he'd be coughing up shoelaces if I were Molly! FOR REAL, HOLDEN? Argh. *facepalm*

PS - Let Lily be a big girl and take care of herself. It will be good for her self-esteem.


I loved her. I don't think I've seen any episodes with her that I haven't watched on YouTube that weren't like, a billion years ago. It was really nice to see her, and it was really nice to see her interact with Luke. I love that they were both like, "Dad should marry my mom! No, MINE! NO, MINE!" LOL. Love!

And Abby's "Noah" blunder. Oopsies. :-) To be fair, I'm pretty sure Luke hasn't kept her up-to-date with all the crazy happenings of his love life. It's really a shame that Abby won't be in town for too long, because it feels like Luke could really use having her around, and vice versa. They seemed to understand each other very quickly without having to divulge very much. And, as I always say, every straight girl needs a gay boy BFF. :-) Or brother. That works, too. XD

I LOVE how Carly was so supportive of Molly today, even when things were starting to circle the drain. She kept holding out for the goodness to shine through - for that silver lining to peek out somewhere - and she deserves props for that. Good girl, Carly. Plus, she worked so hard on that dress!

And now Reid. I'd like to talk about him by being as articulate and concise as possible.


Holy...! Good God...! I mean! Seriously! And...cute! And...FUCK! XD

Okay, if I didn't already love the shit out of Reid, today would have clinched it for me. I'm going to be honest and say that if I had been Luke in those first two scenes with Reid, I would have been pretty upset (and Luke was, too) at the way he blew everything off (despite his seven-hour surgery, I know, I know. I still would have been upset. God, I'm such a girl :-P). But then Reid turns around and has to be all sweet and cute and fricking coupley and adorable and AJHASDJKSDJHDFHDFJHSDJKLSD! I FUCKING LOVE THIS GUY. I'M NOT EVEN BLEEPING OUT MY F-BOMBS LIKE I USUALLY DO BECAUSE I FUCKING LOVE THIS GUY.

More concisely:

--I loved his little smile when Luke was leaning over his shoulder talking about how he was a "romance killer" or whatever. I don't remember the line, I just remember how Reid got all smiley and cute and then looked up at Luke with his ♥_♥ face on at the hospital. HEE.

--FUCKING HAND-HOLDING. HAND-HOLDING. HE FUCKING REACHED FOR LUKE FROM ACROSS THE FUCKING ROOM TO HOLD HIS HAND AND THEN SAID, "LUKE AND I ARE TOGETHER" AS IF HE MEANT "DUH! OF COURSE WE'RE TOGETHER!" And did you see how blushy and cute and happy Luke was?! God. This is one of the reasons why I think Luke likes Reid and wants to be with him. He wants someone who's going to reach out in the middle of a crowded room and pull him close. He wants that possessiveness, that "he's mine" feeling. He wants someone who's not going to apologize or be ashamed or even be embarrassed by who they are. And he definitely wants someone who's not going to change who they are for just anything. That all sounds like Reid Oliver, right? :-D

--His talk with Molly. Reid once again reminds us that while he's adjusted to life in Oakhell, he's still a bit of a fish out of water, and he still thinks this whole town is bonkers. But he seems to appreciate its craziness now. And when they traded their "Lucky for you" lines after Reid said that people move on? HEARTS. HEARTS. HEARTS! :-D

Also, my "straight girl, gay boy" theory applies to Reid and Molly as well. I think Reid should just be the token gay boy BFF for every straight woman in Oakdale. HAH. Can you imagine? But Katie might get upset since she had dibs on him first. :-P She'd be all "MINE! Back off, bitch!" and then Luke would be all, "WTF?!" in the background. :-P

And then tomorrow, I don't even know what the frickety hell is going on, but it involves Flirty!Luke eyes and serious relationship talk and I hope hope HOPE we get some making out. PLEASE, show...I'm dyin' over here. I need some vicarious smoochin'.

/melodramatic. :-P

So tomorrow's got more Holden!f*ckery and a sobby-Molly (I'm actually surprised she didn't flood the farm today), and Carly being all, "THE SHOW MUST GO ON!"

Oh, and Lucinda finally admits to Craig that she fails as a mom at the moment. >_< Still, it's looking good. I'm LOVING the character interaction.

abigail, ethan, luke/reid, natalie, faith, recap post, jack/carly, parker, written by g, holden/molly

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