"It's Man-Up Time" - Today's Recap, 7/5/10

Jul 05, 2010 15:24

I was totally wrong about Katie last episode - I thought that she knew that Vienna hadn't told Henry the truth, but that wasn't the case. Katie didn't know, hence why she and Chris spent most of today's episode wondering how Henry could be so cool with everything during the ceremony.

Is it just me and my lack of interest and total dislike for Vienna, or is the show d-r-a-g-g-i-n-g this storyline out? We know all the basic points of this story already, yeah? --> Henry wants to dedicate himself to being a good father. Katie wants to help her friends have the love of a lifetime that she was robbed of when Brad died. Chris wants Katie to let herself live and love again. And Vienna's a piece of crap. So can we get a MOVE ON, ATWT?!

I have to be honest and say I never thought I'd dislike Vienna. I was never gaga over her, but I didn't want to see her strangled with her own hair like I do now. I get that the writers want Henry and Barbara to be together (at least, that's what I'm hoping for!), but I don't understand why they had to destroy Vienna to do that. You know...if Vienna was really pregnant and her integrity was still intact, but Henry was still in love with Barbara, this storyline could be so much better and might actually appeal to the masses. We'd be able to relate to Henry's struggle between wanting to be a father but also wanting his own happiness (which we can do, regardless). But Vienna would actually have to face the fact that she might lose Henry and it would be nice to see that she wouldn't compromise her morals just to have him. But since we can't root for Vienna, or even feel bad for her (sorry, guys...I'm speaking for you all :-P), then what's the point? Does anyone really want Henry stuck with a woman who has no problem lying to his face numerous times and then claiming that she doesn't want any secrets between them?

"Oh, Henry, I want us to share everything, no secrets! But let me just hide my fake prego belly under the bed before you see me, okay? What a perfect wedding night!"

I think Vienna just screwed herself for actually getting pregnant for real. Unless it's pitch-black every time she's with Henry, he's bound to notice that her stomach's still flat, am I right?


Anyway. Let's talk about Barbara!

Okay, so...what the hell was in that chloroform? (Or whatever it was that knocked Barbara out...I'm assuming it was chloroform.) Barbara was cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs today! It was like chloroform laced with acid.


You know how she kept imagining that Vienna/Katie/Emily kidnapped her? Well, by the time we got to Emily, I started thinking that ATWT wasn't taking this episode seriously anymore. There's a fine line between being overly dramatic, and just making fun of yourself, I feel. This episode was teetering on the edge of both.

Maybe that was the point. And don't get me wrong, I adore Colleen and she was fantastic, but...these are just filler episodes. Nothing is happening. You'd think with only July, August, and a teeny bit of September left, the show would be churning out plotlines left and right.

So Katie's got me in a bind again. I loved how she tried to force Vienna to tell Henry the truth, but she didn't remember going to Brad's grave earlier that morning when Chris mentioned it to her again. But it wouldn't make sense that she would push Vienna so hard to come clean, but not admit herself that she kidnapped Barbara (if indeed she did). Thoughts on Katie?

And GO KIM! I still stand firm that she should be president of Oakdale. She let Emily have it when Emily started picking on Barbara, and she comforted Katie about being unmarried without upsetting her further.

PS - WTH was up with Vienna insisting that Katie catch her bouquet? Just when I thought Vienna couldn't be any worse of a friend...

And YAY PAUL! He was a good best man, a good brother, and a good son in today's episode. He even called Barbara to check in on her and offered to take her to lunch! YAY!

And tomorrow we get to slog through more of Janet being a moron. Oh, happy day...



chris, bob/kim, barbara, recap post, katie, henry/vienna, paul/emily, written by g

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