Jul 02, 2010 15:46
Okay, ladies and gents...break out your favourite alcohol, because today's episode was REDONKULOUS. And not in the good way. Henry had it right in thinking that getting plastered was the best option to enjoy today. >_<
Barbara calls Vienna and declares war on her, citing that if she doesn't tell Henry the truth, then Barbara will. On her way to enlightening Henry, Barbara gets into a tussle with Emily in Old Town and ends up "ripping" Emily's dress. Emily freaks out and leaves Old Town to go change, despite the fact that everyone could plainly see that all she had to do was re-tie the stupid strap. >_<
Meanwhile, Vienna is at Katie's, wailing over the fact that Henry will leave her if she tells him the truth (oh, boo-hoo, let us cry for you, ya skank). Katie convinces Vienna to do it anyway, saying that Henry will understand (though, if he has any brains at all, he won't!). Katie ushers Vienna out and then rushes out of her house, telling Chris she'll meet him at Al's for the ceremony. Chris is kinda left like, "WTH?!" in her hallway.
And who the hell knows what happened with Vienna. She disappears from Katie's and we don't see her again till she's in her wedding gown at Al's, ready to marry Henry. I'm curious, though...so she's got her fake baby bump on under the dress (and Henry was happy to see that she's finally "showing"), but what about their wedding night? Vienna is convinced that Henry will get her pregnant for real on their wedding night...but he's bound to notice that her stomach's flat again after he gets her out of that dress, right?
So Barbara goes to the Lakeview to tell Henry, but he's not in his room and she gets accosted by security or a detective or something for snooping around, and after he leaves, she's suddenly grabbed from behind by someone who's wearing bright red rubber gloves, and Barbara passes out when her mouth is covered with a handkerchief. (Ahh, chloroform...a girl's best friend. Not.) So she then ends up on the floor of...somewhere, with a white handkerchief and one of her shoes lying on the floor nearby, and she's out cold. WHODUNIT?!
Kim and Bob are at Al's, and they wait for everyone else to arrive, while discussing how they want Chris to be happy and they hope he won't get his heart broken and leave town again. After Katie FINALLY realizes that Vienna + Henry DOES NOT = Katie + Brad, she tells Chris that she went to Brad's grave (I thought she did that yesterday?) and broke down crying, hence the reason why she's a filthy mess. (What did she do, roll around on the ground while sobbing? Maybe Katie needs some therapy, poor girl...) Chris understands, Katie cleans up, and they head to Al's.
Okay, so...we've got three options as to who grabbed Barbara: 1) Emily, because she had to leave and change her dress, 2) Katie, because desperate times call for desperate measures and she wanted to make sure Vienna told Henry about the "baby", or 3) Vienna, who at this point, would most likely go to ANY lengths to get Barbara out of her way. I'm undecided as to who I think it is, but I'm REALLY hoping it wasn't Katie, especially after she FINALLY admitted that she can't replace what she had with Brad. And Vienna doesn't deserve Katie's loyalty like that anyway. (Though Katie doesn't seem to mind giving it to her!)
While all of this chick-fight stuff was going on, Henry was at the Lakeview bar with Paul, drowning his sorrows in alcohol. Paul once again tries to talk Henry out of marrying Vienna (AKA Paul is my HERO for this episode!) and Paul's shocked (shocked, I tell you!) to find out that Henry is absolutely in love with his mother. (I believe the phrase he used was, "Dear God above, you're in love with my mom!" HAHA!) They bond over similar past heartaches and it's terribly cute, then Paul pumps Henry full of black coffee and hauls him over to Al's, where Henry proceeds to get even more drunk before Vienna's even made her appearance. Um...correct me if I'm wrong, but...when your groom is drunk BEFORE the ceremony even begins, there might be an issue, don't you think?
Katie finds out that Vienna did NOT tell Henry the truth, but it seems as though the ceremony is going to continue as planned. Oh, and I'm not even going to touch the minister. I don't know where he came from, or why the show planned to have him the way he is, but...yeah. Not even going there. Live long and prosper, dude.
Bob and Kim and Henry and Paul were pretty much the only bits of this episode that I enjoyed. I liked Katie's confession, but my confidence in her is shaken because she showed back up at home all covered in dirt and grime. Chris was good, too. And you know how much I love Barbara, and I wanted her to tell Henry the truth, but she stood around threatening and accusing everyone under the sun when she should have just gone straight to Henry. Bad writing, IMO. It was neither engaging nor entertaining. :-/
But Katie's dress was freakin' gorgeous. I loved that damn dress she had on! God, Terri...be a little more beautiful, I dare you! :-D And even though she's on my Shitlist, Vienna looked beautiful in that gown, and I loved her hair. Seeing her look so nice made me wish that this whole wedding/baby thing wasn't a sham. It could have been something really special. (Well, if I didn't love Henry with Barbara so much, it could have been something really special. HA!)
Seriously, guys...if you haven't watched this episode yet...make sure your favourite cocktail is in hand first! It will take the edge off, and you'll probably need that. :-P
Happy Friday, everyone! I'm off to go get drunk. ;-)
recap post,
written by g