Too Heavy for a Tuesday - Today's Mini Recap, 6/29/10

Jun 29, 2010 15:38

Oh wow. Today's episode was so sad! :-(

Let's start with the relatively happy stuff first: Chris totally made Katie sweat the whole "I bonk you - you keep your mouth shut" situation out. ;-) I knew he was playing her from the moment he agreed, hee! And about unromantic. Ugh. "Well, we're here! Drop trou and let's get to it!" Oy. That whole scenario was about ten shades of wrong. And disturbing.

Speaking of, Vienna's still got her hooks into everyone with this whole stupid "baby" scheme. Now poor Henry's giving up on Barbara because "Baby Coleman" needs to come before what he wants for himself. Oh, and Vienna and Henry are getting married TOMORROW. As in, like..."Hey, everyone...drop all your plans because we're getting hitched in twenty-four hours." *eyeroll* And of course, Vienna delighted in handing Barbara's invitation to her and rubbing it in her face. And then Henry's line to the "baby", something about, "Tomorrow I make an honest woman of your mommy?" IF ONLY WE COULD BE SO LUCKY, HENRY.

And poor Barbara! In another one of her mirror mirror, on the wall... moments (in which her mirror-self FINALLY talked back to her! Love it!), she finally convinces herself to stop running from Henry and make him all hers. So what happens when she commits herself to this act? Henry gives up on her and Vienna smashes her impending wedding plans in Barbara's face. :-/ Not to mention that Barbara and Emily had a fight at Fairwinds earlier, in which Emily called Barbara "pathetic" for hanging on to her "boy toy" and advised her to "give him up".

Okay...if Henry were Luke's age, then yes...he would be Barbara's "boy toy". But Henry is NOT in his twenties! He's an established man with his own successful business ventures...being with Barbara is NOT A BIG DEAL. Argh.

And Emily. I totally understand her being pissed at Paul's decision to keep her in the dark about the whole plan with Meg, and I liked the idea that she was going to take some time away from Paul. I think she needs that time, because Paul really threw her for a loop. However, I didn't expect his goodbye with Meg to be so heart-wrenching. God. It was so sad and honest and sweet. I absolutely loved it! And when Paul came out of Meg's room, he was crying! T_T So Emily forgiving him right away - especially after he begged her to forgive him and not leave him - is okay with me. I'll let that one slide, because I love Paul and I really do believe that he was trying to do the right thing. :-)

And Katie and Chris ended on a somewhat sad but also hopeful note. So Chris finally convinced Katie to tell Henry the truth, except when the time came, Katie could barely get the words out and then Chris bailed on the idea altogether. Later, Katie forced him to tell her why he did this (she really couldn't figure that out for herself?!) and he said he did it all for her. DUH. :-) Katie got upset about Brad and started crying, because she wants Henry and Vienna to have what she and Brad would have had (except, in my opinion, Vienna and Henry will never have what she and Brad had, especially since Henry's in love with Barbara). Chris - very gently, whew! - suggested to Katie that maybe she take her marriage off the pedestal she's put it on, for nothing but her own sake. So she can love someone again. T_T Such a good scene. I'm loving Chris more and more each day (though my stance on Simon still remains ;-)). I really hope Katie gives him a chance. He's already proven that he's a good guy, and that he'd even go against his own code of ethics for Katie (which may or may not have been the right thing to do). He'll take care of her, and that's what she needs! That's what she deserves.

Aaaand previews! :-D

We've got Scruffy!Reid telling Luke he's gotten a job offer at the Mayo Clinic (Jim Morrison offers this piece of advice to Luke: the time to hesitate is through), more antics with Vienna and her insanity which prompts Barbara to screech "GET AWAY FROM HIM, YOU BITCH!" (or I may have stolen and doctored that line from Aliens...thanks, Sigourney! :-P), Katie planning an engagement party for Vienna and Henry *pukes*, and Casey finally realizing that he's not the father of Vienna's "baby" (a la Maury Povich: "You are not the father!" :-P). Seems like a pretty eventful episode! :-D


Sometimes I may have too much fun with the previews...:-P

chris, barbara, eliza, recap post, emma, katie, henry, holden, vienna, paul/emily, written by g, meg

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