Spring warming rapidly into summer

May 05, 2018 15:48

So a weekend ago the little sugar skull tin in my purse that I use to hold a week's supply of caffeine tablets (I take a tablet and drink a bottle of water on each break at work, and my weight and blood sugar are both creeping down in response to the switch from Dr Pepper as caffeine source) disappeared. It was in my purse last Saturday night when I took my breaks, but it was gone from my purse pocket when I tried to refill it on Monday or Tuesday. I looked around the house and in my car (and in my locker at work on Tuesday night) but it hasn't turned up. I actually have a goodly stash of caffeinated mints that I haven't been using, and so over the past week I've been taking Jolt mints (which are delicious, but which I can't find on Amazon or at ThinkGeek (where I probably bought them from) so now I'm out and can't buy more) to tide me over until I replaced the tin and went back to my regular Jet Alert tablets.

Problem #1 related to the temporary switch was getting the dosage right -- I wasn't taking enough at a time, and getting caffeine withdrawal headaches as a result. Problem #2 was having my emergency Naproxen pills in the same skull tin as the caffeine and having forgotten to restock them in my purse when I switched to the Jolt mints. Wednesday night I had a headache that turned into a migraine at work -- and on my break I went to take a Naproxen only to discover I had none. It was a grim and miserable shift, and I made a point of getting a small replacement tin to stash some Naproxen and allergy pills in when I got home that morning. But now I've emptied the Jolt tin, and as of tonight's shift I'm back to Jet Alert. (I could replace the sugar skull tin now -- it's available on Amazon -- or just wait for it to turn up in stores this fall and keep using the Jolt tin in the meantime.)

The other item of note was ordering Mom's Mother's Day gift. I had made a note in my "to do" list to shop on Friday because it was the payday before Mother's Day and left enough time for shipping. It wasn't until I saw "May the Fourth be with you" e-mails that morning that I remembered last year when I was just a few hours too late to get a discount on her Star Wars-themed gift, so I made a special point of ordering her T-shirt (and another one for myself) before going to bed yesterday.

I need to rewatch The Force Awakens, now that I have the bluray of The Last Jedi and can go straight from one to the next. I really need to fit more TV time into my regular schedule. Though I'm enjoying the reading time I'm getting instead, and getting a tolerable amount of sleep on a semiregular basis. Not yesterday, though, and I don't have as many hours left for today's nap as would be really helpful. Especially since I have a couple of errands to run outside the house before I can come home and crash...

But I can't regret the amount of time spent on the computer. I hadn't actually turned it on for at least a month or two, and I had a page to print up that has to be physically mailed. So I read some DW journal entries on my reading list and was able to use a regular keyboard to type this entry. (Still have a bunch of files on the Android that need to be moved to my computer. But I'm not going to take the time today.)

And I have a couple of things to go stick in a mailbox, and need to pop by and see Grandma.

Crossposted from Dreamwidth with
comments made.

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