What I did with my night off

Apr 26, 2018 13:09

I had a really productive Monday -- left the vacuuming and all of the kitchen stuff for the next morning, but I did garden stuff and cleaned the catboxes and rabbit cage and avoided the urge to spend the day reading. I finished up by going to Dickey's for a barbeque taco and some fried okra and a salad (because it had been a while and I had earned it) and then passed out on the loveseat around the time Mom got home.

Tuesday was a lot less productive. I can't really remember what I did with my morning -- no, wait, I had breakfast and watched stuff on the DVR while shaping my nails and doing the base layers of my manicure. And then I had lunch and crashed on the couch till 6pm, which wasn't at all helpful when I was supposed to be visiting Dad that afternoon or evening.

What wound up happening was me getting all my kitchen stuff done (no cookies, but strawberry-cream-cheese bread and chocolate-Irish-cream cupcakes along with all the dishes) and finishing up around 9:30. I called Dad -- no answer, of course -- and decided not to hit the road and arrive at 11pm, even though I figured A) he was as likely to be awake as not and B) I had a good chance of not passing out on his couch as soon as I arrived, what with the long afternoon nap and all. I wound up sleeping on the loveseat (again), waking up early and feeding cats and leaving for Dad's around 7 or 7:30 in the morning. I hung out with Dad for a few hours (including making a grocery run for him) and left around 12:30.

I visited Grandma on the way back into town and then got home with not much needing doing but getting ready for work that night. (No vacuuming, no cookies.) I watched some TV, napped till Mom got home, and then went to my room for another couple of hours. I had a headache when I got up for work -- I had a headache when Mom got home, and I really should have taken a Naproxen on the way to bed for the second half of my nap, but if I don't take it with food I get nauseous, and I hadn't wanted to lose sleep time to making a snack and eating it. (I took a Naproxen last night with the rest of my evening pills while getting ready for work, and didn't quite get to my Cliff bar on the drive to work in time to keep my stomach from getting upset. I had an unhappy belly for half my shift -- but at least it got rid of my headache.)

And, so. Time to nap till Mom gets home, and then go hit the gym before getting ready for work...

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