Happy day -- weekend almost here!

Jun 09, 2006 14:56

Up till almost midnight last night, between watching The Daily Show/The Colbert Report (both Wednesday's repeats and last night's new eps) and the MTV Movie Awards. I reached the lace section of my shawl and discovered that, needing about 40 stitch markers for the pattern repeats along the border and not having nearly that many, jump rings from the jewelry-making supplies were just the right size. (I also have an off stitch count -- seem to have missed some increases at some point whilst working my way down the main body of the shawl, or perhaps screwed up along the eyelet row. No matter -- I refrained from some decreases at the final pattern repeat at the corner, and I'll cross my fingers that it won't be too noticeable.) I also got to say hi to Lauren as she made her biweekly visit.

And then this morning, even after four hours of sleep I managed to haul myself to the gym (cardio, if nothing else) and then showed up on time to work with my new blue bracelet and restrung necklace. Which look smashing against my purple tank top and chambray blue flannel shirt. A good start to the day...

Also, I crossposted my Illyria-Phoenix meta piece to feminist_fandom here and there's been additional discussion in the comments, if anyone is interested.

Over to Yahoo!:

Okapi rediscovered in the Congo.

A pair of good links from the goddes, on taking evolution into consideration in the practice of medicine and On Simple Human Decency. ("Because I am loath to violate whatever fresh new mores the people have agreed upon, or have been told they agree upon, and because I do not care to have my ass kicked repeatedly in a holding cell while I beg to see a lawyer, I almost hesitate to ask the following question. I will ask it, though, out of what used to be called simple human decency: Am I allowed to write that I would like to hunt down George W. Bush, the president of the United States, and kill him with my bare hands?") It's a brilliant piece examining the origins and results of the law making it a special offense to make threats (even joking ones) against the life of the President.

And warrenelliscom reminds us all that Deadwood season 3 is upon us starting Sunday. Which is fantastic, since I haven't heard Ian McShane call anyone a cocksucker for months. Maybe I'll even review a few season 2 eps Sunday if I get done with my Netflixing early...

Mmkay, two hours left to kill of the workday and several browser windows still open to be dealt with. Nothing I think I'll wind up linking about, though, so might as well post this and get it out of the way...
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