Jan 24, 2004 19:32
Well, it's been a while since I updated. Finals have come and gone thank goodness, and I did alright on most of them. I managed to pull of a B in Art, an A- in Spanish (evil Phillips!), an A- in Trig (I nearly screamed I was so excited), I probably won't know my history grade until I get my report card because Gilbi grades based on how well he likes you as a person (which irks me, but is sorta a good thing since I haven't done so well on the multiple choice part of the tests), a A in Chem, and an A- in English (since I thought I had failed the final). Mr. Boden left and now I'm back in Stoughton's class, who I had freshman year. I like it except when she calls on me when she doesn't know the other kid's names in the class.
Now, for the big surprise. I'm audtioning for the school play! What a shocker! I almost chickened out a couple of times, but in the end I decided that I have to do this (with the help of J's prodding and Lauren's and Elaine's sad puppy dog looks). And the good news is I think I found a monologue! On the first try too. I just opened a collection of monologues for women, flipped to a random page, and there it was. I'm posting it on here so you guys can tell me what you think of it. I thought it was rather amusing. Here it is:
The Interview by Jill Morley
(Laura is an insecure actress with a dark brooding temperament. She is in for an interview with a casting director.)
Don't you have a scene for me to read? I am so boring. I am not one of these personality actresses. I'm completely devoid of personality. You're probably looking for one of those fun-loving, festive girls and that's not me. You see, I don't wear green on St. Patrick's Day. I'm not the kind of girl who dresses for the holidays.
I'm anti-holiday.
I don't know what it is....I have friends. They like me. I'm not even shy. Just...When I was in the third grade, I wrote an essay for my teacher, Miss Laskowski. The theme was, "I'll Never Forget The Day..."
I wrote something like, "I'll never forget the day my father bought us ducklings. It was such a surprise. The smallest one was Milk. The next smallest was Quackers. The biggest was Harold. Milk was the first one to die...."
I went on to coldly describe how each one of them got killed by my dog. I was a dark kid.
In the margin, Miss Laskowski wrote, "I enjoyed your story! Very good."
She probably thought I would grow up to be an axe murderer. But instead, here I am, an actress. (Laughs nervously)
Oh! I started working this receptionist job but I'm terrible! I'm not built to "receive" people. I can't synthesize a genuine smile to random people, strangers. Who cares? I don't know them and the temp agency certainly isn't paying me the big bucks.
Are you sure you don't want me to read something? I really feel uncomfortable....A scene? A poem? The telephone book? Because even that is going to be more interesting than...excuse me...can I do a monologue?
I was so excited when I found it because it meant that one major step was done. If I end up not doing that I might do something from Bridget Jones's Diary or try and find another monologue from one of the books that I checked out from the library. Now all I have to do is memorize it and get the body language down pat. And I gave myself enough time so that I am not stressed at the end.
Today I went and saw How to Win a Date with Tad Hamilton. It was a cute movie. I really liked it. I was a chick flick. I was even crying at some parts. I get wrapped up in movies too easily. I went and saw The Return of the King and I was bawling like the last 15 minutes of the movie. Don't even get me started on Pearl Harbor. *dab dab*
Well, I guess I'll sum up Lauren's party. It was a ton of fun. We went mobbing (I now know what Danny was talking about!), played Team Twister which was much fun (although I sprained my thumb from landing too hard), and proceeded to laugh and just enjoy each other's company. I wanted to have SRY tonight, but that didn't happen because Elaine, Mals, and Lauren are at Shan's birthday party and my mom just changed her mind about having people over. Maybe we'll all do something next weekend, but I dunno since I am going to the Smashmouth concert with Katie.
I can't really think of anything else to say, so I guess I will post this and go do something productive. Ttyl. Luvs!