Jan 12, 2004 21:31
I thought I'd try to send this again and not pull an Amy moment and randomly click buttons because they look pretty.
Well, my day has been alright. Today was a day when I really needed some good buddies to talk to and they all pulled thru for me..I really appreciate it guys! My self-esteem was really low today for some reason. One reason was I started thinking about Joe and Dan again, and then my brain wandered to finals and how I have to do well since my grades are rather iffy. And then I started thinking about all the boy craziness in this world....about how D2 bleached his hair so blond it's the color of the sun and it blinds me whenever I chance to glance over my shoulder to help him with chem problems....altho he has realized that he made a bad decision in dying his hair that color and started to wear a hat and his hood...lol...I'll never understand what makes guys do the things they do in moments of boredom. And then I started to think about Shan and how I hope he is alright and not just putting on a brave face for everyone around him so that we won't worry so much...and then I came to the mother of all: Fuzzy horse himself...and how I want to sneak up behind him and shave off ALL of his facial hair so that he will go back to the normal boy that I first fell in crush with in the first place. Then, I came back to Lauren and her problem with D1....we have yet to figure out how she is going to tell him everything.....and i'm sure we will figure it out...since she actually commited herself to going thru with it...which I have yet to do in my whole entire life since i let my emotions control my actions and I have a huge fear of confrontation and rejection. Anywho, I'm hoping that everything will work itself out in the end because the semester is almost over! YAY! I am going to shape up all my old habits and get the grades that I actually deserve by turning in all my work ON TIME and studying for tests to get the grades that I can. Well, I guess that's all the rantage for now.
I saw Peter Pan 4 times....let alone 2 times last weekend....that movie was quite addictive. I *squeed* most of the time for Jeremy Sumpter. My bob he is cute! And he was wet and dirty at one point! Just throw some mud on a guy and pour a bucket of water over his head and I am weak in the knees just thinking about him, except for a couple rather gross and disturbing men, such as Arash (who wrote a very disturbing essay about maiming people....J and I are now very afraid of him and vow never to be in the same room with him alone) and Kern because he would make the situation all weird, etc. because he likes to do that kind of stuff. There were some very funny parts in that movie also and I proceeded to rock back and forth in my chair, with tears streaming down myeyes, giggling uncontrollably, and I was even shushed by a lady the last time that I saw it. The best parts were when the fairies were spinning, the chanting of I do believe in fairies, and as J put it so nicely: "Peter, you're PINK...*gasp*...ORGASM". That was a very amusing movie that everyone should go see, if not 4 times, at least once.
Well, I guess I shall just have to make another entry about Lauren's wonderful party tomorrow because I am tired and I need my sleep so I can be perky tomorrow, cram my brain with knowledge for the final, and finish my homework that I didn't do tonight because I was too lazy and I chose not too.....Hey, don't give me that look....the new semester doesn't start until Monday....hehehe...lol...Well, I'll end this now.