Videos of Portugal!!! And random other crap... ^^

Jul 28, 2005 21:04

Ok, I was gonna wait until tomorrow to update, but... ^_^ VIDEOS!! ::spazzes::

Stell worked out how to put the videos of Portugal on the web!! So other people can see the weirdness! (Yes, maybe this wasn't such a good idea...)

Just click for instant oddball-ness!! ^^ XDDDDD

An-to-the-Drea and the Sprite bottle (it tastes good!)

Andrea's Foot Dance

Andrea filming Allie & the Face Soap

Ear Rapage (of Allie by Andrea)

Allie and Stell preparing to jog, Andrea providing theme music KRONK!!!! ::ahem::

Andrea dancing like the G-Hangster she is, then quick shot of Allie, then me, then Stell's mum...
btw, if you wanna know, the one complaining at the start 'cos the video's of andrea and not her is allie, the one saying 'well you're not the one being stupid are you?' is me and the one saying 'you're on this video you know' is stell ^^

Yeah, pretty much all of them feature Andrea in some capacity of idiocy... Wonder why that is 9.9 [/END SARCASM].

So that was great... ^^

Also, in case anyone's interested, my own photos from Portugal were developed, so scrat_squirrel, suntanned67 & shadow_allie, you might wanna check them out... ^^ -------> HERE


As for other news, Flo came over yesterday ::glomps:: Haven't seen her for 3 weeks or something... So there was lots to talk about ^^ Although she is cruelly abandoning me for my birthday snarzsnarzzchiz but I still talked to her ::glares:: We sat around and talked like zomg loads, watched The Intelligence Men ^_^ <3 to old movies, and some Have I Got News For You (Paul and the Tub of Lard!! Yay!!) And Hercules! What a great film, even though Hercules and Meg suck. Hades and Pain & Panic rock. "We are worms!!" XDDDDDD

Then today we went up to Guildford to get a present for Kirsty - I'd completely forgotten her party on Saturday was for her birthday... 0_0 Could have been interesting, if I'd been the only one turning up without a gift. Anyway, got her soapy-stuff from Lush (bath jelly!! o____0 ) and couple of earrings from Accessorize, so that all worked out. And got nice lunch from Wagamama's - made even nicer by the fact we got it on offer ^^ Score! Then it was just trawlin'... Saw Frau Romaniuk and weirded out her kids, that was cool... Flo has an obsession with sticking her tongue out, slightly strange...

Anyways, also finally got new journal layout up... I like it because it's Dom/Billy omgsosqueeheadexplosion and I <3 my new mood theme ::schnoogles like a wild thing:: but I suck at html, so that's pretty annoying... Also I haven't tested it on any other screen sizes than 1024x768, so it probably spazzes madly when on any other size... Oh well, what the hell...

Also, new icons ^^ Spiffy!

And tomorrow I'm going to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with April!! The Prilster!! It's meant to be a great film, I hope it lives up to my expectations... unlike some things harry potter book mumblewumble... >:3


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