(no subject)

Dec 17, 2007 16:39



The one in which you post the first sentence of the first story you posted each month this year:




See January.


They were 470 miles from where Dale had lived, and now it felt safe enough to stop; they had been driving for nearly eight hours straight.

(On the Porch of a Motel in Georgia, Heroes, Mohinder/Sylar, R. Fourth fanfic I ever wrote, second one I ever finished. The other three were from when I was fourteen and thoroughly ensconced in Invader Zim. Ahh, youth.)


Peter is never going to die.

(Thoughts on the Issue of Mortality, Heroes, Nathan and Peter gen, PG. First time I wrote Nathan, not counting a Peter drabble.)


It was a cold, dark Thursday evening in a not especially important month of an inconsequential season.

(The Fine Art of Leaving Things Unsaid, Heroes/Sandman loose crossover, Mohinder/Sylar, technically PG but really more like a very sneaky R.)


So, well, yes, it was a good idea for Peter to learn how to stay invisible when Claude wasn’t around (even though that woman had beat him over the head with the purse she’d thought he’d stolen), but it didn’t really seem fair that they had to test this all the time.

(Training Exercise, Heroes, Peter/Claude, PG-13 but probably actually another sneaky R, though for entirely different reasons. I still don't know why I got an award for Peter's characterization in this.)


“He was fifteen when the Great Manifestation hit,” Peter said softly.

(War Story, Heroes, Peter, Claude, and Nathan gen, PG-13. The first thing I ever wrote for the at-this-point-highly-theoretical WWII AU, and I may actually get back to it--I do have vague ideas as to how I should actually do it, as opposed to writing random crap. Also, this isn't an actual story so much as a snippet, but whatevs.)


When Nathan Petrelli was eleven, his parents told him he was going to have a little brother or a little sister.

(The Big Damn Petrelli Story, Part One, Heroes, Nathan and Peter gen, PG. Oh god, are we getting into this already?)


And then it was August, and then it was the day before Peter’s birthday, and the star on the calendar loomed ominously on the wall.

(The Big Damn Petrelli Story, Part Six, Heroes, Nathan/Peter, R. Also known as the first time I ever wrote an actual sex scene ever.)


“Christ, I hate possessions,” Nathan grumbles, and Peter’s going to have to agree with him there.

(Blood and Ash, Salt and Bone, Heroes/Supernatural loose crossover, Nathan/Peter, PG-13. Technically the first was a snippet of Laberinto, but that totally does not count.)


The thing about being Sam Oliver is that sometimes it sucks, sometimes it’s kind of cool, sometimes it leaves you feeling dissatisfied and unaccomplished, and sometimes-especially lately-it’s absolutely terrifying.

(Being Sam Oliver, Reaper, Sam/Andie gen, PG-13. OH MY GOD IT IS SOMETHING OTHER THAN HEROES.)


It is night, and the night has tinted the darkness blue.

( El Laberinto del Destino, Part One, Heroes, Nathan-centric ensemble, R. Technically the first one is the master list of That One Meme, but...there's no real first sentence for that, and also it has approximately twenty bajillion characters and ratings and fandoms in it.)

I would like to mention that I actually have written stuff that is not Heroes, as indicated by the presence of, er, one story in this list. *coughs* A bit of Doctor Who, a bit of Chuck, the various meme things, the aforementioned Reaper story, the Tin Man story, and I'm doing the House crossover right now...so, yes, I am not entirely all-Heroes-all-the-time. Just mostly.


The other year in fic meme:

Favorite story this year: Oh, man. I busted my ass for the BDPS, I had great fun writing some of the smaller stuff...so I am going to be the contrariest contrarian and go with It's Sort of Like Voyeurism, In That It's Exactly Like Voyeurism. It was just a blast to write, and I'm a sucker for happy!Petrellis.

My best story this year: In terms of popularity, it's Develop, and I think I've sort of been swayed over to that side, even though I certainly didn't think it was all that good while I was writing it. And then Four Months Ago aired and suddenly I had the best ending ever. So yes, I suppose that fits the qualification.

Most underappreciated by the universe, in my opinion: Oh, this one's easy. On the Subject of a Lack of Knowledge Leading to Contentment, also known as the Canada fic, also known as The One With The Worst Title Over Oh My God, also known as The One Where I Forgot to Put a Summary In the Story Header. It is also the only story I've been able to bang out 4000 words in a single day on, which earns it a very special place in my heart. I could also mention the Reaper fic, being as, er, nobody who didn't know me commented on it, but I'm oddly uncaring about that.

Most fun story: Training Exercise. I will always, always, remember the saddened elevator.

Sexiest story: Uh. You know what? I could go with a story that has actual sex in it, but no, no, I'm going for It's Sort of Like Voyeurism, In That It's Exactly Like Voyeurism again. Proof that you don't need actual sexual content to be hot.

"Holy crap, that's wrong, even for you" story: Er. Another Interlude, from the BDPS. I...am not really proud that I wrote that.

Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters: Future, from the
heroes15 prompt of the same name. I think it may actually have a name, but I can't find it. *shrugs* Anyway, this is the story that made me kind of like Janice. I always thought she was annoying before, but now...now I want her back, dammit, if only so she can kick Matt's ass for being such a jerk.

Hardest story to do: Ahah. Ahahaha. AHAHHAHAHAHA The Big Damn Petrelli Story. Three months, 60,000 words, many many mornings and afternoons of hell. Writing parts of this story was like pulling teeth. Worth it in the end, of course, but I can still look back and shudder.

Biggest surprise: Symbology, which is not actually a word but I thought it was when I named it and now I can't think of anything else. Also known as the "wtf, Isaac?" story. 483 words of total mystery. It just sort of...happened.

Most revealing story: The Big Damn Petrelli Story, I suppose, because this is the story that got the most me in it. Helen Keller the socialist, palak paneer, Casablanca...they say to write what you know, so when I needed to throw in details, I threw in, well, me. Not that it actually tells you very much about me, but none of my stories really are terribly revealing of me. I could also put this up as the most revealing of a character--Nathan, or maybe Heidi. Either works.

A story I want remembered: Hmmm. Let's go with Develop again, although I wouldn't mind terribly if Future stuck around through the ages. Knowing my luck, though, the only thing I will ever be remembered for is Not Dead Yet, which is actually the most popular thing I've ever done, judging by the number of comments. Hurray for populism, eh?

chuck, reaper, mylar, tin man, supernatural, i am not writing a big damn wwii story, heroes, omg petrellis, sandman, omg other characters, house, this is not el laberinto del fauno, invader zim, doctor who, big damn petrelli story, i has a meme, plaude, heidi will cut you

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