"Thousands of years ago, cats were worshipped as gods. Cats have never forgotten this."

Apr 20, 2009 15:08

Two things:

1) When the bejeezus did it get so hot? Holy mother of Zeus!!! I couldn't get to sleep last night until I finally caved in and turned on the AC. And today, thanks to The Basement Cat* Rescue of 2009, I'm f'n roasting. I have the AC on in the office, but take one step outside and you turn into OMGWTFBBQ.

2) And here I present photos of the heroic rescue of our very own Captain Dumbass.

To set this up... Boo never used to run out of the office until Peanut arrived. Now, she bolts every chance she gets. However, after a few scares in the beginning, I realized that she was coming back to the door and meowing to gain entrance about 5 minutes later. So I'm really not that freaked out when she runs out now, she always comes back. Sometimes it's 5 minutes, sometimes it's a couple of hours, but she always comes back.

Today, I went out to find her because it had been a couple of hours, and I could hear her meowing somewhere, but it wasn't loud, and she wasn't anywhere to be seen. I came to assume that it was some other cat, or I was just hearing things. I went out a bit later and heard her a bit louder and finally looked behind the bush at the basement vent. And then I saw her adorable little face!

Sorry the pics are so big, I can't re-size them at work.

Here, we get our first look at Boo, the idiot in question. Seriously, how did she get under there!? And why would she!?

A little clearer shot of her face as she was yelping to be saved.

Finally, Arturo arrives with wire cutters! Yay!!

He wasn't able to coax her out, and my little kisses and "C'mon idiot! Get out of there!" didn't seem to encourage her. Not sure why, hm. So I told Arturo to just reach in there and grab her! He was hesitant. "Seriously, just grab her by the back of the neck and yank her out! It won't hurt her, I swear!" I was really toasty, by this time. Hell, I could practically feel the freckles coming to the surface.

She was being a coy little thing, so I went and got the wet cat food and told him to open it and set it outside the vent. It started working...

And before I knew it, she had run back inside the office, safe as houses. And now she's back where she usually is.. on my desk, being adorable.

I swear, nothing good comes from her little adventures.. she meets mean stray kitties, she comes back and barfs up the grass, it's just not fun. I have no idea why she does it.

Ohhhh yeah, now I remember.

*Not THE Basement Cat (*shiver*), just my own homegrown dumbass version.

life: as i know it, life: work

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