= Oh, Monday. Why must you always live up to your stereotypical potential? You disappoint me so.
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The weekend is over, much too quickly, and I didn't get everything done that I had hoped. But I set the bar low, so overall, I'm satisfied. Ahh, the perks of really getting to know your limits. Mostly, I just started packing a bit for North Carolina, making sure I had everything. I prefer to be over-packed than under-packed for situations like this.
= Compared to the two weeks before, last week at work was a breeze. No boss in the office actually turned out to be no problem, and any problems came at manageable intervals. It's amazing how fast weeks go by sometimes, isn't it? I mean, I can't believe it's the end of April already. Of 2009! I just have no idea where the time goes.
= HOWEVER. This morning has been pure hell. I got one week off from the stress, I suppose I can't complain too much. I'm going to rant about this in a private entry because nobody needs to be exposed to my absolute, pure ire I'm feeling right now toward some of my tenants.
= I see that more and more people are migrating to Dreamwidth. I really have no plans to go there, since I'm perfectly happy here at LJ. But I wish you all a good move, and I hope you can find ways to post to both.
= Today is the 10 Year Anniversary of Columbine. Again, the time, it flies. Unbelievable. A lot of new information about the attacks has been coming out and I find it all fascinating. I remember exactly where I was when the news came out - in college, at the radio station office, slackjawed.
= Don't forget, two new Bones episodes this week.. one tonight!
= Our office cat found a way to get under the building. And right now she's stuck down there until my maintenance guy gets back to find a way to get her out. Dumbass.
= I'm just way too frustrated and fed up to put together a fun little post. I tried! But I should go before I infect anyone else. Have a wonderful day, everyone! :)