Feb 16, 2005 19:32
I can't say much except God Damn it's hot here. Just walking from the house to the computer lab makes me break out in a hot flush. So since Anne's departure what's been going on?
Well since Anne's departure, I had what I can only describe as a bad stomach. Not the shits - so no running frantically to the bathroom. But it just meant that whatever went in would come out in great gusto a couple of hours later. And it hurt. Stomach cramps you wouldn't wish on your worst enemy! It was getting me down to say the least becuase I was forced to eat less to avoid breaking the toilet bowl. And I got hungrier and hungrier and began feeling a little sorry for myself. And with Ramanee gone, I couldn't really share my pain with anyone...not sure Wanni would want to know the story of my bowel movements. I know Craig gets slighty squeamish when I mention it. Thank god for women folk. We are a hardy bunch, always willing to share a shit story with each other! So I suffered in silence. I really do hate feeling ill out here. I feel so helpless. And now I've seen the state of the local hospital I dread ever being diagnosed with something nasty which may involve being admitted!! Ewwhhh! So Wednesday was a pretty unproductive day for me. I struggled in the heat, with the cramps and generally with everything. It's hard here putting on a brave face. Atleast at home I can go back to my flat and cry and bawl and shout. Here I can't do anything till bedtime, when I can hide myself away under my mosi net. And I don't want to look like a miserable cow. There's enough misery around here without me adding to it. So I tried to keep going. I got this eco-tourism idea from Anne the other day and so attempted to get it all down on paper. It's not a bad idea. Trouble is what do I know about implementing a project like that. Well it's all typed up, now I've just gotta find someone who would want to invest in it and maybe help launch it. ANY TAKERS? Wednesday night we had been invited to Krishanthi's for dinner. So off Wanni and I headed on the motorbike. Have to admit that since I arrived here and went pillion on the bike for the first time in 21 years, I can now safely say that I'm a confident passenger. It's kinda fun watching the world go by on the back of a bike. We popped to the hospital to see ARchie, who was looking much better. Atleast her tears had dried up. Wanni is coming round to the idea that this whole debacle was an attention scam....MOTHERS eh! So Archie visited, we were still early for dinner so we popped in to see Hansi and her family. Hansi means swan. This Hansi is a beautiful looking girl who matches her name in every way except that she isn't white with feathers! When Wanni comes to visit the whole family is rounded up! It's kinda funny. He's a bit like royalty. I secretly think he loves it. So in came Dad, Hansi, little Rosey, and Mahesi and finally Mum bearing gifts of peanuts. I think it must be peanut season here..they are what we call Monkey nuts. Very tasty but a bugger to shell without making a mess of yourself. So they sat and talked and I did the dutiful English Volunteer thing and nod and smile. They were desperate on giving me a drink but already after 20mins on the bike the bladder was ready for unloading. Fortunately for me, it was just the bladder. So I asked Hansi to show me to the toilet. The whole family stared at me in horror. I think the concept of me using a squat must embarass them. Anyways, Hansi walked me out back and as we approached piped up in her best English with "Our toilet is very small". I had to smile. It was obvious they deemed their toilet unworthy for me. I don't mind using squat bogs. Trouble is no one has ever really told me what you are supposed to do when you have finished. I, when water is available, just pour some water down the hole. Is that it? Should I be doing more? Answers on a postcard to Horizon!
So before we left, Mum packed up the peanuts for Wanni as a small departing gift and off we set to Krishanthis. This dinner would mimic pretty much the dinner at Radhika's the other night. Dinner would be served. Wanni and I would be herded to the table and made to eat whilst everyone else sat around and watched and waited till we had finished. it's just embarassing.And so the tradition began with the touching of the water glass and we were herded to the table. But on my comments, Wanni asked Krishanthi and Gayani her older sister to sit and eat with us. This was a funny experience. They really aren't used to sharing the table with others, who are deemed to be in this society of greater standing. As I was tucking in I passed the dishes up and down the table to Gayani and Krishanthi just like you would at home. Krishanthi kind of got into it. Ithink she is more used to my unconventional behaviour to worry. Gayani however was incredibley embarassed to be eating infront of Wanni. I think it was him that made her so uncomfortable. It is a strange society. Dinner finished and in true Sri Lankan style, we said our goodbyes and left. No chit chat. No after dinner coffee and chocolates. Alot has to change in this society if they ever want equality for everyone.
And then home. Here at night when you are on the bike, if you look up when you pass by a tank the sky is endless with stars. Its so pretty. I like sitting out when the sky grows dark. It's very peaceful. So when we got back, I took up my spot under the mango tree. And very strangely, Wanni asked if he could join me. Normally it's me and Ram sat there having a good old gossip. But tonight I got her bro. We chatted about stuff. I think he's got alot on his mind at the moment. And no one really to talk to about it all. Enter Marissa! I don't mind listening. There are alot of people in this village that our out to discredit him. He told me the story of a young girl that suddenly stopped coming here. He never know why. He thought her mother had pulled her out of here in order to help with things at home. 3 years later she spoke to him about why she stopped. Apparently on her way to Horizon one day, an old guy in the village stopped her and basically told her stories about Wanni that obviously frigthened her so much she couldn't come again. How terrible is that. We got talking about corporal punishment used in schools here. Apparently it is actually outlawed in this country. But it seems Principals turn a blind eye. It happens because of teachers' frustration of teaching in a rural village. There is nothing for them to do here. Nothing to release their stress on except the children. It's horrible. Ohh, I know what happened today. The phone rang in the lab and though Wanni was sat next to it, for some reason I answered. A young Scottish woman was talking to me. At first, I didn't understand what she was talking about. But turns out she is an intern at the Sri Lankan Daily Mirror and had been passed our recent Newsletter. She wanted to come and do an interview with us. Cool. Though she thought we were based in Colombo 6. But it looks like I'll be giving my first Newspaper interview on the 28th. I'm kinda tempted to expose the vicious punishments going on in the local school!!!
Not sure why Wanni came and talked with me. He's a hard man to fathom. Did he come because he wanted to talk? That's nice for me because it shows his trust in me. Or did he come out of pity for me, knowing that i'm terribley lonely without my mango tree gals.
That's all folks!