Feb 15, 2005 21:12

Things are really weird here right now. The morning was fine. Had to say goodbye to Anne though. It's been so fab having her around...she's kept me sane over an explosive weekend. And now she's gone and things have seemingly got worse. Archie was admitted to hospital this afternoon. She collapsed suddenly. I knew it would be because she's been drowning herself in misery since Ramanee left and Wanni asked them not to have anything to do with Horizon Lanka any more. She probably hasn't eaten in 72hours and not had enough fluids. It's stinking hot and she's been crying more or less 24hours a day. Is it surprising I ask you? Unfortunately for Wanni and Ramanee, they are both getting the blame for this. Even their own brothers are blaming the mother's hospitalisation on them. It's tragic. I told Wanni that he and Ram in no way should blame themselves. Archie is a grown woman. She knew she'd make herself ill by not eating. And what a convenient way to get the attention of your children! I know that sounds heartless but mother's are the most manipulative creatures that walk this earth. I feel awful for Wanni and Ram...because they truelly believe it's their fault. It's a horrible society when you are persecuted for trying to do what you believe is right. That's what Wanni and Ram are doing. Ram doesn't want to marry any old fella. She wants her future husband to be special. dam right. But that's not good enough for Archie. She has a gorgeous daughter who is willing to look after her but Archie is not happy with that. Why can't parents ever accept their children at face value and be proud of them for what they have acheived and not grumble at them for what they haven't achieved. Makes me worry about being a mother sometimes. I want to be one more than anything. But will I too end up expecting too much as well. that's frigthening thought. So that's the family saga so far. I hate being in the middle of it and not being able to air my views. I wish I could tell Archie that the more she alienates her children the harder it will be to bring them back together. Then again, If i could say it, I'm sure it would fall on deaf ears.

So the rest of my day was pretty messed up. I can't seem to settle partly because it's so hot. Wanni asked me to do him a favour and email Deepal. He's extremely worried about am I. Deepal is a shell of the man I met 2.5months ago. He's lost weight and he seems drained of anything happy. What is this country doing to people huh? It's a long story...but Deepal is seemingly drinking more these days and the project he's working on has suffered because of this. Wanni felt it necessary to tell the sponsors about Deepals poor performance and why....personally I think that was a little out of order. Deepal's problems are personal and should really tried to keep this from the sponsors. Anyways, understandabley Deepal is a little upset about this. Wanni has asked Deepal to take the next month off and get himself together. Anyways, Wanni seems to think I have the woman's touch and asked to see if I could work my magic on Deepal. I should start charging for my life skills services. So I wrote Deepal. I'm still waiting for a reply! No, he replied thanking me for my kind words and when he had some time he would write it all down for me. So I wait in anticipation. Seems to me that people here don't have any one to turn to - especially if you are not married. Probelms get swept under the carpet or just aren't mentioned. It's too bad for these folks. A problem shared is a problem halved....then again a problem shared in this country is the whole village finding out! poor old Deeps. Hopefully we can get him fixed before I go.

And the rest of the day disappeared in a cloud of dust. My heart wasn't in it today. I helped Deeps to write the text to send a magazine...but I really couldn't get into it. First time since I've been here that I have felt like that. Period is coming....tired and emmotional.....dramas at all adds up I suppose.

I did find some motivation this evening after my bath. Anne came up with a wonderful idea for an eco-tourism project. So I set about trying to get it down on paper. A 3 day village experience I called it. Seeing Srilanka at the grassroots level. No street sellers to annoy you.Just the stares of local people. It's a beautiful village and it's so unspoilt. My idea is to offer a 3 day excursion. One day exploiring the village by bike visiting working paddy fields and chainers and temples. Day 2 would be an excursion to Villapthu. Day 3 visit to a nearby rock temple and then a cycle tour of all the tanks in the area. The whole 3 day experience will be accompanied by local fares, ranging from lunch packets to short eats and freshly roasted peanuts. Dinner at a local family house would also be an option and so too would tank fishing. There is quite alot to amuse oneself with up here if you choose to be amused. It's an idea and it will need alot of work but it's inspired me a little.

As I mentioned earlier, this evening Wanni asked me to come with him to the hospital. No I can't figure out why he wanted me to go. Was it because he couldn't face going on his own or was it simply for me to carry the food? Dinner came wrapped in newspaper - but man it was tasty. Kothu roti - cooked on the side of the road by a young man with a big was hot though. My guts are gonna be sore tomorrow. Seeing his mother in hospital was pretty bleak. The hospital is more of a shack. The ward, if you can even call it that, is not enclosed. My dogs had better beds than the ones the patients were given to sleep on. All in all pretty depressing place. This is a government hospital. Don't think much money from the government is making it's way here. Have to take my hat off to any Doctor that works there.

And so ends my day. It could have been better. But everything looks good after a good nights sleep!
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