I rocked the Arthritis Walk this year! First of all, I managed to raise $895, the most I've ever raised. So, a serious thank you to everyone who sponsored me. In past years, making it to the 1K mark was a challenge. I'd be using my walking stick for most of the distance and be in pain for almost the entire walk. This year, I did 3K in 35 minutes (Yes, I'm a slow walker, but I'm a walker.). The pain, as it does when I walk at home, came and went, though my feet have been sore the last two days. (Even with my super special SAS Comfort Walking shoes, walking for a duration of over 25 minutes at one time will result in my feet hurting.) So, the Arthritis Walk was a complete success and I'm hoping to maybe even make 5K next year. :D
In sad news, I was unable to visit
oneonthefence after the Arthritis Walk as planned on Saturday, because her health has decided to play a "Let's see how bad I can get!" game, which really sucks. First of all, what's happening to her is devastating. It's horrible. And, second, I hadn't seen her for almost two years and we'd been planning this visit for months (literally, because she lives outside of my driving range and she's unable to drive). So, to say I was disappointed is an understatement. But I'd give up the possibility of ever seeing her again if it meant her health would improve. Too bad there isn't someone I can make that bargain with.
In other news, Cinnamon is being tested for
Tritrichomonas, a kind of parasite. I am both expecting and hoping that this test will come back positive.
Both Snowcrash and Zathras are now having diarrhea, so whatever she has is contagious (good news, as this means it can't be Inflammatory Bowel Disease). Giving 3-5 cats (Kosette and Min have no symptoms yet, but the vet may recommend we treat them too, just to be safe) 1 pill a day for 2 weeks won't be fun, but it's fixable. And that makes it a good thing. The downside to this diagnosis, if it is indeed what's been causing Cinnamon's diarrhea, is that the cats at Chesapeake Cats and Dogs would have also been exposed to this parasite and some of them could have it. In any case, I should know by the end of the week.