
Aug 02, 2009 19:30

There are a lot of things that I love about summer as a season: a gentle cool breeze on a hot day, sounds of the waves crashing against the shore, the ice cream man slowly riding down my street, tree leaves rustling at night in the heavy air and American League baseball on TV every night. There are also a lot of things that I am not too fond of in the summer time as well like the stickiness of a humid day, frat boys in all their drunkenness setting off fireworks at 3:30 in the morning, and most shocking of them all...thunderstorms.

Suffice it to say, I have never really had any positive experiences early on in my life with thunderstorms. Going through numerous situations where windows have been shattered because of a bolt of lightening, being left in the woods by my cousins during a gusty thunderstorm (which is not at all funny I assure you Paul), and having our TV blow up into a pile of smoldering ash while watching cartoons during a severe summer storm. All these led me to be a cowering mess under thick blankets to suffocate in fear during our heavy summer storms living near the ocean.

Obviously now, at 27, I know that it is just socially unacceptable to bury oneself under a sea of blankets and you might even find me brave enough to watch a storm on the beach if I have a car to safely hide inside, it is true! Yet, there is still that noticeable unease that embarrassingly enough exudes from my very pores when nature fires away. Logically I know that lightening cannot hurt me unless I am standing outside like some god-defying lunatic waving a golf club at the sky (my father) but, if this was about logic and reasoning we wouldn't have this problem now would we?

So no thunderstorm love from me, for now. I am working on it. Slowly.

fear, life, weather, summer

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