Coffee Pot Talk

Jul 27, 2009 10:29

It is sad to note that I am not quite the biggest coffee fan. There are no daily morning coffee rituals in my life to keep me going and my love for coffee itself is probably right down there with eating brussel sprouts. Despite this odd little corner in the overall make-up of me there is something I believe in strongly in regards to coffee: good conversation.

Much like food, coffee brings people together to talk.

There is nothing more relaxing then meeting up at a dimly lit little coffee shop, sitting down around a little iron arabesque table, and ordering that tall cup of whatever sounds good coffee that will keep you there for hours with friends talking about to nothing to everything. Some of the best as well as the most ridiculous conversations were had in coffee shops with steaming cups of aromatic coffee floating into our nostrils stimulating our every little thought.

I may not be able to tell you a latte from a cappuccino but I can tell you all the wonderful times I have had trying to figure that exact thing out in many a coffee shop with good friends. So, maybe in a small way I am one of coffee's biggest fans

good conversation, life, coffee, friends

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