Surprise Conspiracy [Alex/Sean, NC-17]

Aug 24, 2011 00:05

Title: Surprise Conspiracy
Autor: fuelledbydecay
Pairing: Alex/Sean
POV: 3rd person
Rating: NC-17
Warning: Slash, swearing, stilletos kink
Spoilers: None that I can think of
Summary: Sean is planning something. Alex isn’t sure exactly what it is yet, but Sean is definitely planning something, and it’s going to be completely diabolical. Alex knows.
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the charcters. This is just written for my own entertainment.

Sequel to Chores

Sean is planning something. Alex isn’t sure exactly what it is yet, but Sean is definitely planning something, and it’s going to be completely diabolical. Alex knows. It’s not that Sean has told him anything outright, but since the day when Sean accidentally walked in on Alex wearing women’s underwear, they’ve been kind of a ‘thing’, and Alex has become freakishly aware of any changes in Sean’s behaviour. So he notices straight away when Sean’s moods shifts into an excited and secretive state. One time he casually walked into Sean’s room to ask him if he wanted to fool around and stuff and Sean had screamed at him in surprise. He also hid some papers he had been furiously scribbling on and scolded Alex for just barging in to his room.

Needless to say, Alex didn’t put out for a whole week because if Sean was going to be a pissy bitch he sure as hell wasn’t going to do him any favours.

If Sean is planning something, Alex is very, very suspicious of it.


Unfortunately, Alex forgets to be suspicious of Sean because the other mutant is a sneaky fucker, and distracts him constantly through impromptu make out sessions, pressed up against the shelves in the
study where anybody could walk in, against the fridge in the kitchen, in the halls, even during training when the rest of the team aren’t looking. He’s also picked up the annoying habit of leaving hickeys on Alex’s neck that are painfully obvious. He hides them with high collars and unseasonable scarves (like no one else knows what they’re doing anyway). Despite Sean’s ever expanding libido, at least Alex has the decency to be discreet about it.

Although all his efforts seem to have been useless, he finds out over breakfast one morning. The Professor and Raven are having a disagreement when Alex walks into the kitchen. Sean is already there, eating a bowl of cereal because Alex insists they come down at different times in the morning so no one will suspect anything. Having already heard the two siblings quarrel on far too many occasions, Alex busies himself by making toast because he knows that there is nothing worse than being caught in the crossfire.

He sits down next to Sean, hand briefly ghosting over Sean’s leg, just as Raven starts to gesticulate wildly.

“Charles, you’re being ridiculous,” she insists, her plump cheeks going red with frustration. “Alex is allowed in Sean’s room, and everyone knows they’re at it like bunnies all the time! Why isn’t Hank allowed in mine?”

Hank blushes a shade similar to a beetroot at the mention of his name, but Alex barely notices because everyone knows. What the hell?! He gapes at Raven and the Professor, then turns to look at Sean so they can share their mutual horror. Except Sean looks completely calm and natural, and carries on eating his cereal as if everything is normal.

“We’re not!” he interrupts, as if denying it will somehow make them as completely oblivious as he thought they had been.

The Professor looks at him with the same expression of disbelief he wore when he caught Alex and Sean, high in the new and improved Cerebro Hank had been constructing in the basement, pretending to be mad scientists on the verge of hatching a diabolical plan. Needless to say, Cerebro is now kept safely locked and the Professor and Hank own the only keys.

Sean shrugs lazily, as if the mentions of his private sex life at breakfast is nothing to be embarrassed, shocked, mortified about, and says, because apparently a side-effect of his mutation is not knowing when to keep his mouth shut, “We totally keep it PG.”

Raven snorts, clearly not buying a word of it, and the Professor raises a sceptical eyebrow to articulate his own disbelief. Alex looks desperately to Erik for some sort of support as a fellow manly man, but Erik just smirks at him as he continues to sip his coffee.


It takes Alex a few days to recover from the fact that everyone knows. HOW DO THEY KNOW?!

When he gets used to the fact, it actually turns out to be a good thing. He doesn’t have to be careful about touching Sean in front of people. Not that he touches him much. Alex doesn’t really do public displays of affection. It’s just nice to know that no ones going to react badly if he starts stroking Sean’s hair absentmindedly during a film, or when his fingers find Sean’s and they clasp together when he’s feeling particularly anxious.

Still, he starts to notice Sean hanging around with Raven a lot. He catches them heads bent, whispering excitedly in the library, sees them walking down the hallways, arms linked. One time he caught them flicking through some sort of catalogue on Raven’s bed, and when Alex had come strolling past, they both sat right on top of it and laughed secretly. One thing Alex knows; Sean has let Raven in on his plan. Alex doesn’t like it one bit.


“Bozo,” Alex says pleadingly, clasping his hands together in a begging motion. “Please, just control your woman!”

Hank flushes red, all the way down his neck, and busies himself with his experiment. Fiddling with a rack of test tubes, he says, “I don’t know what you want me to do about it, and besides she’s not my woman.”

It’s the first time Alex has ever voluntarily ventured down to the Hank’s lab, because he knows that most of the people who do end up having Hank’s theories and explanations hurled at them eventually die of boredom, or their brains just turn to mush. He knows; he’s seen Moira stumbling out looking catatonic before. Desperate times call for desperate measures though.

“Hank!” Alex whines, because he’s not above acting like a ten-year-old to get what he wants. “Please!”

“I’ve told you already,” Hank says, fixing his glasses on his nose and peering into the bubbling liquid in one of the glass tubes. “I don’t know what they’re up to, Alex. Now can you please stop pestering me, so I can actually do some of my work?”

Alex leaves sulkily, slamming the metal door unnecessarily hard behind him. He’s more suspicious than ever. Even Hank doesn’t know what Raven and Sean are conspiring over, and Raven tells Hank everything. She even talks to him about all that emotional stuff that Alex would run in sheer terror from.

Alex is not happy.


Its late afternoon when Alex emerges from the bunker, sweaty and a little dusty. He spent longer training today than usual, holing himself up with the red light outside the door forbidding anyone to disturb him unless they wanted to be obliterated. Days of being suspicious and being kept in the dark have left him antsy. So taking his frustration out on some innocent mannequins seemed like a good idea. Until he pictured Raven and Sean, laughing on her bed again, and the mannequins turned into Raven looking smugly at him. He had to stop because he had a feeling that imagining blasting Raven to pieces for no other reason than sharing some inside joke with Sean was probably a bit unhealthy.

He’s on his way to his room to take a shower when Raven stops him.

“You’re going to love me when you see what I’ve left in your room,” she says, smirking gleefully.

“What?” Alex asks, confused and half-scared that she’s left some sort of man-eating crocodile in his closet that will savagely murder him. She's probably been planning his death for weeks now, so that she can have Sean all to herself.

Raven just shakes her head and saunters off towards the lab, probably to try and entice Hank away from his work because if anyone is sexually frustrated right now, it’s her.

Reluctantly, Alex makes his way to his room; half praying that whatever she’s left for him isn’t going to kill him. He likes his life. He’s too young to die. When he reaches his room, he swiftly pushes open the door, ready to pounce, and starts to choke on air when he sees what’s in front of him.

“Sean?” Alex splutters, hearing the door fall shut behind him with a soft click. “Are those….?”

Innocently, Sean looks down from his seat on Alex’s desk, at the fire engine red patent leather encasing his feet and smirks. “Stilettos? Yeah they are. Like them? Raven helped me pick them out.”

Speechless, Alex nods because yes, he does like them, very much. His eyes hungrily run over Sean’s thin, freckled ankles, up his fishnet stockings to the wet patch forming at the front of his dark grey boxers. He might just have an orgasm right there, just looking. He partly blames himself because he’s sure this all started because off his stupid panties (which he still has, tucked safely away in his sock drawer). He swears he never used to be this kinky before.

He walks right over to the desk and nestles himself between Sean’s exposed thighs without a word, because he doesn’t think he will be able to talk again for a least a week anyway. His fingers delve into the
depth of Sean’s curls, and Alex pulls him up for a hungry kiss. Sean moans appreciatively as their tongues meet, and his hands grab at Alex’s hips to pull him closer.

Alex can barely focus on anything, his free hand intertwined with the black netting covering the bottom of Sean’s legs. He can feel Sean’s hands, growing impatient. They wander along his hips to settle on the waistband of Alex’s grey sweatpants, and then proceed to yank them down to his thighs, along with his boxers. He wastes little time in grabbing the newly exposed skin of Alex’s ass. Over the past few weeks, Alex has noticed that he seems to have a fascination with it. Not that he minds.

When they reluctantly break for air, Sean slides the toe of one stiletto up the inseam of Alex’s sweatpants, and says huskily, “I’d like you to fuck me now”.

Alex doesn’t need to be told twice. He fumbles for the tube of lube he keeps in his desk drawer, kissing Sean heatedly as he does so. The cap flicks open with a satisfactory ‘pop’ but when Alex moves to coat his fingers, Sean stops him. Shaking his head, he looks at Alex, all coy smiles and dangerous eyes. “I already prepped myself while I was waiting for you. You took your fucking time.”

Alex groans. Part of him feels like it has melted onto the floor when those words tumbled out of Sean’s pretty mouth. He slicks himself up eagerly as Sean artfully shimmies out of his boxers.

They fuck desperately. Alex pounds into Sean, the desk slamming into the wall with every thrust. Flushed
and wrecked, Sean keeps his lips between his teeth, biting hard whenever a moan threatens to escape. His legs snake around Alex’s waist, urging him deeper. The heels of the stilettos dig into the flesh of Alex’s cheeks but he can’t bring himself to care because the sight of Sean in stilettos is enough to cause the familiar heat to coil tightly in his chest. He’s not going to last.

Sean comes first, gripping Alex’s shoulders hard enough to blemish his skin, hips canting upwards. His mouth falls open with a silent cry that pushes Alex over the edge. Bucking into Sean, once, twice more he comes, shuddering.

Bracing himself on the desk as aftershocks run through his body, he pants. His breath is ragged and uneven. His pulse pounds in his ears and his knees feel so weak he’s surprised he can still stand. Sean sags against the wall behind him, legs untangled from Alex’s waist, sprawled out obscenely. He looks at Alex, and gives him a warm smile, happy and sated. The stilettos are still on his feet.

“Surprise?” Sean says weakly as Alex kisses one of his ankles, and Alex laughs breathlessly.

He nods, buries his heated face into Sean’s hair and says, “Fuck, I seriously love Raven right now.”

A/n: I swear I never used to think of these things before. Havshee are such a bad influence on me! Sorry about the smut. I don't usually write it so this is pretty brief but... I think I might do an accompaniment of Sean buying the shoes and stuff but idk yet.

Thanks for reading!

Ps- some of the format is messed up. Idk why...

genre: kink, pairing: alex/sean, slash, fandom: x-men first class

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