5 times Hank and Raven had fake sex, and 1 time Alex and Hank did Have sex

Sep 11, 2011 23:13

Title: 5 times Hank and Raven had fake sex, and 1 time Alex and Hank did Have sex
Autor: fuelledbydecay
Pairing: Alex/Hank
POV: 3rd person
Rating: NC-17
Warning: Slash, swearing, sex
Spoilers: None that I can think of
Summary: The air in the room must be turning to liquid, because Hank ends up choking on it as it lodges itself firmly in his throat.
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the charcters. This is just written for my own entertainment.

Written for this prompt on


Hank, like on any other day, is quietly
minding his own business in his lab, when Raven comes storming in
unannounced like a fiery tempest of determintion and annoyance. She
jabs a finger in his direction savagely, and says, “You. Come with me”.

Hank would protest profusely at having to leave his work half-way
through an experiment, but something in Raven’s expression tells him
not to argue if he wants his reproductive organs to stay attached to
his body. So he follows her silently as she charges through the mansion
and up to her bedroom without so much as an explanation.

the door slams shut, she spins around to face him but most of the anger
has drained from her face, and for the first time since they came to
the mansion, she looks mildly embarrassed. Hank’s just relieved that
she’s not pissed at him. “I need you to do me a favour.”

looks around her room, checking to see if any of her furniture needs
mending but everything seems to be neat and orderly. Although, one
rogue bra seems to have found itself draped across the chair by her
desk. Hank can’t help but blush at the sight of the lacy pink material.
“What do you need me to do?”

“You have to promise first,” she insists, crossing her arms over her chest.

Hank shuffles on his feet for a few seconds. Somehow he has a
suspicion that he’s going to regret agreeing to whatever Raven wants
him to do, but he most definitely does not want to be the subject of
her rage anytime soon. So he sighs and says, “Fine, I promise. Now what
is it?”

She beams at him, her eyes sparking mischievously so
that an uncomfortable sense of dread twists in Hank’s stomach. “Great! I
just need you to pretend to have sex with me.”

The air in the
room must be turning to liquid, because Hank ends up choking on it as
it lodges itself firmly in his throat. Surely, he must have misheard
her because the idea sounds completely insane to him. It’s not that he
doesn’t find Raven attractive, he does, but over the past few weeks
he’s come to think of her as a fiercely protective and slightly
intimidating surrogate sister. Even pretending to have sex with her,
whatever the hell that means, would be extremely uncomfortable.

“Wh-what?” he splutters, while simulatneously trying to remember how to breathe.

rolls her eyes at him as if he’s being over-dramatic, and she hasn’t
just asked him to do something completely ludicrous. “Look, we don’t
actually have to do anything. We just have to sound like we are so I can piss Charles off.”

“But why?” he asks, not enitrely sure how to make sense of the
situation. It’s an uncomfortable and unnerving feeling because normally
understanding is usually a perpetual thing for him.

Raven moves
to sit on her bed in one, fluid motion, and pats the space next to her.
Hanks takes a seat beside her, straightening the creases out of his
pants as he does so, and waits for her to explain. “I know you don’t
need much sleep Hank, I mean you’re in your lab until ass o’clock every
night, but I do. I miss sleep, Hank! It’s not that I’m not
happy that Charles has found someone. I’m thrilled, really. Erik’s
great! But they’re going at it every night, and they’re so loud. It makes me want to drill a hole in my brain!”

you want to give them a taste of their own medicine?” Hank asks,
finally cottoning onto Raven’s plan. He tries to pretend that he’s not
surprised about the Professor and Erik’s relationship because apparently
it’s common knowledge to eveyone else but him and he hates feeling
oblivious to things.

Raven smiles at him dangerously, and he gulps. “Exactly! Starting now.”

about to protest because he’s not prepared for this, but Raven flings
her head back, blonde hair swinging through the air, and shouts his
name, loud and breathy. His cheeks flame up at the sound and he looks
away from her instinctively even though she’s fully-clothed. She
continues to call out his name, eyes closed and focused on making it
sounds as realistic as possible, until Hank’s apparent lack of
co-operation forces her to glance over at him, gesticulating at him
wildly to make some noise. He barely manages a few low grunts before his
mortification engulfs him, and he buries his burning face in his

Raven’s shouts get even louder and more urgent, picking
up the pace, a mixture of ‘Hank, Hank, don’t stop’ and ‘yes, there yes’
until she lets out a long, drawn out moan that fills the entire room,
and sits back up again. Her cheeks are slightly flushed, and her chest
rises heavily. She smiles at Hank and pats him lightly on the knee,
before going in search of Sean to bitch at him for leaving his dirty
boxers out in the middle of the hallway yesterday morning.

Hank looks down at her light pink bedspread and wonders what the hell he just agreed to.


The second time it happens, Hank is in his
lab again, comparing test tubes filled with viscous liquid while
simultaneously working on some designs to improve Cerebro. If he’s been
venturing upstairs less, it most definitely isn’t because he is
avoiding Raven. He just happens to have a really busy schedule and very
important things to do. All of the time. Besides, if Raven needed his
assistance she would come looking for him.

Except when she does
come, Hank is torn between hiding behind his desk and trying to
concoct an invisibility potion so that she won’t be able to find him.
She smiles slyly when she notices the panic on his face.

“You ready for round two?” she asks innocently, poking one of the test tubes curiously with one of her fingers.

“Um, later?” he asks, hoping to delay the inevitable for as long as possible. “I’m in the middle of something”.

sighs heavily, in what Hank thinks is defeat, and props herself
against his desk. Silently, she watches him work which Hank wouldn’t
find unnerving if he couldn’t see the thoughtful expression on her
face. Whatever it is she’s thinking about, Hank knows he most
definitely will not like it.

Still, he busies himself with his
work, pointedly ignoring her in the hope that she might just go away
and leave him be. Pointless really, because Raven is nothing if not

“Hank?” she says quietly, interrupting him from his
calculations. He looks up absently, mind still focused on the problem
on the page in front of him. “Your lab is directly under the kitchen

He nods in assent because yes, his lab is under the kitchen, which
can be quiet irritating sometimes because everyone seems to have
decided unanimously that it is to be used as a communal room for
gossiping. He can hear them stomping heavily on the floorboards most of
the time, and occasionally catches snippets of their conversations as
their voices drift through the ceiling.

“So, hypothetically,” she
continues, voice suspiciously indifferent. “If I shouted loud enough,
could people in the kitchen hear?”

Confused, Hank abandons his equations in order to give Raven his full attention. “Well, yes, but-AAHH RAVEN!”

Hank rubs the reddening skin on his arm where Raven viciously pinched him, and glances up at her in amazement. “What the hell-“

“YES HANK!” she bellows unabashed, cutting him off for the second time. “I NEED YOU NOW”.

increasingly familiar blush rises to his cheeks again, smudging along
his neck before disappearing under his collar. The talking and clomping
upstairs suddenly ceases and Hank feels his stomach churn with
embarrassment. He didn’t agree to letting everyone in the mansion know
about all the sex he is apparently getting.

Raven pinches him
again, harder this time. Irritation builds in his stomach accompanied by
the pain and from his chest emerges a deep growl that, to anyone who
didn’t know that Raven was mercilessly pinching him, could mistake for

Surprised, Raven forgets to moan for a second and
blinks at Hank. Unfortunately, she quickly recovers. A smile dances
across her lips and she gives him a quick wink before shouting out

His reputation as a respectable scientist is ruined.

continue for a few more minutes. Raven prying growls from a reluctant
Hank, by jabbing him continuously while she gleefully screams out his
name. The sounds are obscene, amplified by the size of the room. Raven
even goes as far as knocking some of Hank’s empty metallic containers on
the floor, as if they have been thrown in the heat of the moment,
which Hank personally thinks is excessive. He’ll have to pick them all
up later.

It ends abruptly with Erik banging furiously on the
metallic door that Raven thought to lock on her way in. They both
freeze, looking at each other with comically wide eyes as Erik’s
detached voice filters through the door. “Raven, your brother would like
to remind you that such…explicit behaviour is only permissible in the
privacy of one’s bedroom, and asks you to desist immediately”.

As Erik’s footsteps recede, Raven has to cover her mouth with her hand to stop her laughter from escaping.


“Raven, can’t we just do this in the
morning?” Hank asks pleadingly. His bleary eyes glance at the clock
beside her bed, reminding him how ridiculously early it is. He hasn’t
slept in almost 28hrs and he won’t be able to progress through any of
his work tomorrow if he doesn’t get some sleep soon. Unfortunately,
Raven being the slave-driver that she is, has refused to let him,
despite the late hour.

She rolls her eyes at him and whispers, “Stop whining, Hank, and just bounce.”

stares at her like she has finally lost the last grains of her sanity,
as she begins to gently bob up and down on the bottom of her bed. The
mattress’ springs make a quiet squeaking sound in protest. She jabs him
in the ribs, encouraging him, and he sighs like the entire weight of
the world has been thrust upon his reluctant shoulders. Following
Raven’s example he begins to bounce next to her. He feels ridiculous.

time, Raven makes quiet, breathy whimpers as if she’s trying to hold
her moans, to stop the whole house from hearing. Occasionally she lets
out a louder keening sound, like she can barely contain herself and
slaps her hand against the exposed skin of her lower thigh, so that the
whole room is filled with the sound of skin hitting skin.

already lost his dignity, Hank is less reluctant this time. He
accompanies Raven’s sounds with harsh, low grunts. The blush that creeps
up his face this time is slower in emerging, and to his surprise he
actually finds the whole thing amusing. He barely contains a fit of
hysterical laughter that is attempting to climb out of his throat when
he catches Raven’s eye as she starts to knock her headboard against the
wall with heavy thuds.

“Raven?” Charles calls quietly through the door.

They stop immediately, Raven’s had comically clutching at the wood of her headboard mid-banging.

“Yes, Charles?” she says innocently.

“I would appreciate it if you and Hank both quietened down and went to your respective
beds. There are others here who wish to sleep,” Charles replies, his
voice registering an irritation that Hank has never heard before,
especially addressed to him.

“But Erik said that we were allowed
to continue or ‘explicit behaviour’ in the privacy of our bedrooms. He
never mentioned a specific time,” Raven answers, affecting a confused
tone as she comes to sit by Hank at the edge of her bed. Her eyes are
dancing with evil glee.

Charles sighs and leaves, muttering, “You’re insufferable,” as he goes.

and Raven sit quietly for a moment before she turns to him, looking
oddly disappointed and says, “It’s a shame. I was hoping that Charles
and Erik would try to out moan us.”


Hank wakes up with his face smushed into a
pillow that smells faintly like lavender and his glasses digging into
his nose. He groans, stretching out his stiff limbs and looks up to
find Raven messing her blonde hair up in the mirror.

you doing?” he asks groggily, rubbing his forehead. A headache is
forming at the front of his head, throbbing at the edges.

looks at him through the mirror and says, “While you were sleeping, I
decided to go for round two while everyone was walking past to go for

Hanks blinks at her stupidly. “What?”

Raven turns to him. She looks completely dishevelled. Her dress is
crumpled and bunched around her thighs and she has black circles under
her eyes. Hank would be concerned if he didn’t know it was all her own
doing. “We’re pretending to be sex-crazed teens caught up in the throes
of passion, which means we have loud sex ridiculously early in the
morning because we can’t get enough of each other. Capiche?”

just nods in response. This is getting way out of hand. When they
leave Raven’s bedroom together, she stops him from straightening the
crinkles out of his clothes and half-drags him to the kitchen, which he
reluctantly enters. His whole body is blushing with mortification as
the rest of the mansion’s occupants look up at them, rumpled with
obvious sex hair.

The room is silent. Hank wonders if he can escape to his lab and stimulate a black hole to swallow him whole.

a legend!” Sean exclaims, grinning broadly as he reaches for the
coffee on the counter. He surprises Hank by giving him a congratulatory
pat on the back.

“Uh thanks,” Hank mumbles awkwardly, fumbling with his glasses.

rolls his eyes and looks back down at his newspaper. Apparently their
efforts aren’t having the effect Raven had hoped. An amused smile
flashes across Erik’s face quickly, before it disappears behind the mug
he’s holding.

The only person who seems to have a negative reaction is Alex, who marches out of the room, face stony and shoulders tense.

“What’s his problem?” Raven asks, glancing at Charles for insight and then at the door Alex just left through.

Sean laughs. “He’s probably pissed ‘cause he’s not getting any.”


For the hundredth time, Hanks finds
himself thinking how ridiculous his life has become. Charles keeps
giving him strange looks that are both friendly and oddly threatening
whenever they talk, and they make him want to reassure Charles that no,
he’s not having passionate sex with his sister every waking hour of
the day - Raven’s just psychotic and has this weird way of making him
comply with all of her wild schemes. He’s clearly gone down in Alex’s
estimations (not that he thought that it was possible to get any lower)
because the blonde haired mutant is even more vicious with his
nicknames. In fact, he rarely stays in the same room as Hank for more
then a few seconds before he storms out in a tempest of undirected

Sean is the worst though. He’s started following Hank
around like he’s some sort of sex god, pestering him for tips on
getting girls as if Hank would have the slightest idea. It’s gotten so
bad that Hank has to lock the door to his lab to stop Sean bombarding
him with inappropriate questions. Which is why Hank is in a bad mood
when Raven comes to pull him from his work, again, to indulge in her

“Please, Raven,” he begs as she carts him away from
the sanctuary of his test tubes and Bunsen burners, upstairs. “I’ve
barely gotten any work done for almost two weeks!”

Charles has
also started giving him disappointed and disapproving looks as well as
the friendly/threatening ones, when he visits Hank and finds that he’s
made no progress. It makes Hank feel terrible about himself, like he’s
letting everyone down and it’s not even his fault! Raven just refuses
to leave him be in her pursuit for revenge.

Raven sighs heavily,
like he’s the one inconveniencing her as she leads him into the study.
“I promise, after this one last time, I’ll leave you alone to get your
work done…at least, for a few weeks anyway.”

Hank knows that’s
about as much as he’s going to get from her, so he plops down into one
of the upholstered armchairs. Then, noticing where they are he says,
“Raven, you can’t be serious!”

She shrugs nonchalantly, sliding
elegantly into an armchair of her own. She reclines, arching her back
in a feline manner before curling up into the cushions. “Why not? It’ll
really piss Charles off if he thinks we’ve done it in here with all
his first editions.”

That’s exactly Hank’s problem with the idea. “Yes, but Raven, I actually like being able to breathe!”

“Don’t worry Hank,” she says reassuringly, her face blooming with a confident smirk. “I can handle my brother.”

Hank has doubts that she’s being truthful, but he indulges her anyway
because it’s easier than putting up a fight. Raven is the most
terrifying opponent in an argument, except for Charles who already knows
your points and has counter-arguments prepared to fling right back at
you the moment you’ve spoken. Although, that’s more irritating than

So he collects a book from one of the ceiling high
bookcases, and settles into his seat. Initially, Raven protests
adamantly that he’ll jeopardise the authenticity of their fake
sex if he reads through it, but Hank can be stubborn too sometimes and
refuses to start until she lets him read. She gives in haughtily and
crosses her arms, but begins anyway.

Hank’s half way through the
second chapter, grunting occasionally, when he hears the doorknob click
and start to turn. Distracted, he hadn’t heard the sound of
approaching footsteps over Raven’s breathy moans. He looks up at Raven,
whose face mirrors his own shock comically as the door falls open and
Charles says, “Really you two, this is ludicrous-“

stops ranting abruptly when he realises that Hank and Raven are on
opposite sides of the room, fully clothed and Hank has a book sitting
open in his lap. Charles’ lips start to quirk up at the corners, an
amused smile threatening to break onto his face. “What on earth are you
two doing?”

Raven scowls, her cheeks burning and betraying her
embarrassment. She quickly buries her face in her hands,
muttering,”This is your fault, Hank! If you’d just read afterwards,
none of this would have happened. I told you it wouldn’t sound as

Hank’s about to protest, because if it’s anyone’s
fault its hers for not locking the door, for starting all this in the
first place, but Charles interrupts him, “Would I be right in assuming
that you’ve been pretending the entire time?”

They both look at
each other guiltily and nod in affirmative. Hank’s never felt more
immature in his life. Charles nods in return and moves to leave them
wallowing in their own humiliation.

“Really, Hank,” he says as he passes through the door. “You should know better than to indulge her.”

laughter echoes through the halls, no doubt on his way to relay the
amusing news to Erik. Hank groans, sinking further into his seat and
glares at Raven. “I hate you.”


After the ‘incident’, Raven pointedly
ignores both Charles and Hank for five days. Hank isn’t entirely sure
why he deserves to be given the silent treatment when the whole thing
was Raven’s idea in the first place, but at least he gets peace and
quiet to do his work without distractions. It also helps that Charles
has stopped looking at him like he’s torn between paternal affection
and wanting to rip Hank limb-from-limb. Although now he has a habit of
breaking out into random bouts of laughter whenever Hank and Raven are
in his presence which has the uncomfortable effect of making Hank feel
like a silly schoolboy. At least Charles hasn’t told anyone the truth,
except for maybe Erik. It’s common knowledge that Charles can’t with
hold the slightest amount of information from Erik.

Hank is the
middle of repairing a hole in Sean’s wings (caused by an unplanned
collision with bush), when Alex visits his lab. He’s naturally
surprised because Alex never has tried to hide his dislike of Hank,
especially recently.

“Did you need me to modify your plate?”
Hank asks quietly, examining the puncture in the light-weight material
between his hands.

He hears feet shuffle, and then Alex says, “No.”

Hank peers up from his work through his glasses. Alex looks unusually
flustered, Hank decides, taking in the pinkish tints high on Alex’s
cheeks. Perhaps he’s ill. “Is there anything you wanted in particular?”

shakes his head, his cheeks turning a shade darker. Hank sighs, and
returns to his work. If Alex wants to be his normal uncommunicative self
then he isn’t going to waste his time trying to pry answers from him.
He has got better things to do.

“Do you love her?” Alex suddenly
blurts out, looking surprised at himself. Then he quickly clears his
throat and shrugs his shoulders in a nonchalant way. “I mean Raven. Do
you like her?”

The question isn’t one Hank had been expecting and
it knocks him off guard slightly. It’s not like the question is hard
to answer. He loves Raven fiercely as a friend, and admittedly there
had been…deeper feelings before, but he’s come to view her as a sister
and now he can’t really imagine her being anything more or anything

“I guess so,” Hank answers hesitantly because for once he
has no idea where this conversation is going. Alex can be unnervingly
disarming sometimes. “As a friend of course.”

“But aren’t you two…you know?” Alex pushes.

“No I don’t know, Alex. You’ll have to explain it to me.”

There’s a slight moment of silence, the briefest hesitation before Alex says, “I thought you two were fucking.”

Hank completely abandons Sean’s wings because it’s clear to him the
universe is conspiring against him to prevent him reaching his full
potential by bombarding him with stupid badly thought revenge plans and
awkward conversations that come out of nowhere. “No we’re not fucking as you so eloquently put it. Raven just asked me to pretend we were to annoy Charles.”

This obviously isn’t the answer Alex was expecting. He looks confused as he points a finger in Hank’s direction. “But I heard you! We all heard you!”

heard us pretending to have sex,” Hank says slowly, because apparently
Alex didn’t quite understand the first time. “I would never actually…”

“So the two of you never had sex?” Alex clarifies, stepping closer to the worktable. “And the two of you aren’t dating?”

shakes his head to confirm that no he has never had loud passionate
sex with Raven and no, they aren’t actually dating. For some reason,
Alex perks up at the new information. He rounds the table and actually
sits on the stool next to Hank, and even listens to Hank’s explanation
of how he plans to mend Sean’s wings and make them more efficient.

when Hank is halfway through a mini lecture on the wonders of
aerodynamics when Alex seemingly looses patience with him, and
interrupts. “Fuck, this is stupid.”

Offended, Hank is about to
defend the integrity of aerodynamics when he finds his mouth otherwise
occupied, because Alex is kissing him. His lips are soft and urgent,
pressing forward and Hank isn’t entirely sure what to do. He can feel
Alex’s hands curling at his hips, rubbing small circles across his bones
with light thumbs. It feels nice and calming but his heartbeat starts
to thrum inside his head, and he starts to panic over where to put his

When Alex reluctantly pulls away, his expression is a confusing
mixture of sheepish, repentant, and completely unashamed. He tenses his
shoulders beneath his jacket as if he’s bracing for impact but all
Hank can do is sit and blink at him. Apparently his brain has stopped
computing information because he can’t think of one reasonable thing to

“You kissed me,” he states stupidly. Alex nods brusquely.
At least Hank knows he hasn’t started having hallucinations. “Why would
you kiss me?”

Alex shrugs like it’s not a big deal, but Hank
can see the flush of colour disappearing under the collar of his shirt.
“Because I wanted to.”

“Huh,” Hank replies because he still
can’t string a coherent sentence together. On any other occasion he
might actually be embarrassed by his lack of vocabulary.

“So, can I kiss you again?”

doesn’t even wait for an answer, just surges forwards. It’s then Hank
realises that Alex’s hands never left his hips. The pace is different
this time hot and burning. Alex’s hands move everywhere, scalding Hank’s
skin wherever they make contact.

Somehow in the middle of it,
Alex’s t-shirt has magically vapourised and the buttons of Hank’s shirt
have made their escape across the floor. Alex kisses his neck, peppers
kisses on Hank’s chest. Hank can’t think of anything else to do,
painfully aware of his lack of experience. So he sits pliant under
Alex’s caresses, a moan occasionally gasping from his throat.

Alex stops, only to say, “Take your pants off,” with an infuriating smirk, and then their touching again.

when they are both on top of Hank’s work table, beakers carelessly
discarded and smashed on the floor, Hank slipping into Alex tentatively
that Hank makes his discovery. Alex is vocal.

With every thrust, Alex begs, pleads shamelessly. He groans, low in
his throat with every thrust of Hank’s hips until Hank can feel the
vibrations reverberating through his chest. The room seems so much
smaller filled with the sound of skin against skin and Alex’s breathless
panting. He says Hank’s name repeatedly, urging him deeper until it’s a
mantra inside Hank’s head.

When he comes, Alex lets out the
most unreserved moan Hank thinks he will ever hear, his voice thick and
heavy as his eyes flutter open and closed. Hank doesn’t last much
longer and his own feral growl is embarrasingly loud as he bucks into

They lie breathlessly a moment, before Alex lets out a low
chuckle. “That was awesome, man! We have to do that again, like all
the time! Seriously.”


It’s the middle of the
morning when Sean hears the familiar sound of Raven and Hank going at
it in the lab. He smirks down at his second bowl of cereal that day.
Hank is such a beast.

Surprisingly, Charles and Erik don’t seem
phased by the noise that’s gradually increasing. In fact, they look
amused. It’s weird because Charles had been really pissy the first few
times it had happened. Sean shrugs to no one in particular. Maybe
Charles has accepted that his sister likes having wild sex with Hank in
random rooms of the mansion.

He’s almost finished his bowl when
Raven walks in, hands grabbing greedily for the coffee. She stops
midway when she notices the sounds and looks down at the kitchen floor
as if it’s just slapped her across the face. Charles and Erik both gape
at her, and Sean is pretty sure that he will never recover his jaw
from the floor because if she’s upstairs, who the hell is Hank with?
Unless Raven is in two places at once, in which case Sean wants to know
how she’s doing it.

Charles looks like he’s about to ask Raven
what exactly is going on when the sound of Alex’s voice coarse and
broken erupts from the lab below them. “OH MY- SHIT HANK!”

bursts into manic laughter, coffee forgotten. Erik smirks into his
newspaper, fondly watching Charles innocently shocked expression.

Sean just covers his ears with his hands to block out the sounds and says miserably, “My ears are bleeding.”

Wrote this a few weeks ago on the kink meme but hadn't got round to posting it here. Sorry about the weird formatting. It's been getting on my nerves but it takes a lot of time to fix.

slash, fandom: x-men first class, pairing: alex/hank

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