Chores [Alex/Sean, R]

Jul 25, 2011 00:01


Alex hates helping out with the chores in the mansion. He tries to avoid having to cook dinner because a badly charred piece of toast is about the only edible thing he can conjure up with his limited culinary skills. Washing up, is another task he hates. The thought of putting his hands in murky dishwater and having to clean other people’s plates is enough to make his stomach churn and cause bile to rise in his throat. Charles did manage to persuade him to help with the laundry once. Except he had ended up shrinking one of Raven’s favourite sweaters, and had to hide in the bunker for the rest of the week to escape her wrath. Even now he sees her occasionally narrowing her eyes at him, planning her revenge. It scares him a little bit.

So, now he is trusted with the simple task of hanging the washing up outside on a string line that stands between two trees around the back of the mansion. All he has to do is carry the basket, filled with heavy, sodden clothes to the line, hang them up and then collect them when the sun has dried them. It’s an easy enough task. One he does without complaint, even if he does feel oddly domestic carrying a basket of clothes out to the large gardens.

It’s on such an occasion, that Alex first makes his unusual discovery. He sets the basket down on the lawn, grabbing the first item on the top of the pile. It happens to be one of Hank’s shirts, blue chemical stains still splattered around the collar despite several attempts to remove them. He stoops down to pick up the next piece of clothing. Only his hand brushes against something smooth, like water slipping through his fingers. Glancing down at the basket, Alex finds a small pair of silk panties, lace delicately stitched along the edges. A rare blush blooms on his cheeks as he realises that it must be Raven’s underwear, and he hesitates for a moment, considering whether or not to hang them up boldly with the rest of their boxers.

He decides that Raven would have collected them if there was a problem with drying them on the line, so he dutifully picks them up, pinching the fabric between his thumb and index finger. The light pink silk shimmers slightly in the light and something hot coils in Alex’s stomach. He finishes his task quickly before retreating to the safety of his room and tries to forget about it.


It’s a week before Alex thinks about the incident again. Charles and Erik drive them into town to go shopping with the usual warnings to blend in and keep out of trouble. As soon as they get dropped off, Hank makes a beeline for some boring old shop with microscopes displayed in the window, and Raven follows after him, hanging off his every word as he explains a new invention to her. Sean starts to trail away but stops to look back at Alex, expression amused. He jerks his finger in the direction he’s going, grinning broadly and says, “You coming? There’s an aquarium just down the street, man! The girls in those places are wild!’

Alex doesn’t know whether Sean is joking or not, but he shakes his head anyway. Since spending time in prison his wardrobe has become exceedingly depleted and sad. He knees to buy clothes or he’ll be wearing his grey sweats everyday for the rest of his life. Shrugging, Sean gives him another smile and a wave before strolling off in the direction of the aquarium (and supposedly wild girls).

Thirty minutes later, Alex is bored and the aquarium starts to sound like a tempting offer. He has a couple of bags, enough clothes to last him through summer and a headache from the music blaring out of the speakers in the last shop he went to. He walks slowly, his shoulders tensed slightly. It’s the first time he’s been around this many people since prison, and even though he knows he has better control over his ability, thanks to Charles and Hank, the ‘what ifs’ still linger at the edge of his mind. Perhaps he should get Hank to install a lightweight version of his plate into his normal clothes, just in case.

He’s four stores down from the aquarium, a small place that looks like it offers no more than a tank of exotic fish when his eyes catch sight of the curly, pink writing on the sign of the shop he’s passing. He acts impulsively, diving straight into the shop, ignoring the way his hands tremor infinitesimally against his sides and a rush of panicked excitement surges through his chest. He makes his purchase swiftly, shoving the small, dainty bag to the bottom of one of his other bags, hiding it with new clothes.

He spends the rest of the afternoon watching Sean fail to pick up girls. He can’t help but laugh at the shocked expression on Sean’s face every time a girl turns down his advances, but then he'll end up catching Alex’s reflection in the glass and start chuckling with him. When Charles and Erik return to pick them up, Alex avoids thinking about his recent purchases, not because he doesn’t trust Charles to respect his privacy, but because he’s not sure he could stop himself from broadcasting his anticipation if he did.

Alex unpacks his new clothes as soon as he gets back to the mansion to avoid having to help set the table for dinner. He puts the smaller bag into his bottom drawer and stuffs as many smelly, hole-ridden socks on top of it as he possibly can. Satisfied, Alex rejoins the others and begrudgingly helps to set out the cutlery.


It takes almost three days for Alex to actually summon the courage to open his drawer. He takes the small bag from beneath his dingy socks and slips into the small en suite of his bedroom. He doesn’t look in the mirror as he undresses, half afraid of what he’ll see.

Only when he steps back out into his room, does he catch a glimpse of his reflection. The panties he bought are slightly similar to boxers in that they skim the top of his thighs, but the light fabric caresses his skin like the faintest of touches. It makes his stomach tighten and his pulse quicken. They are plainer than Raven’s, blue satin with ivory trim skirting along the bottom hem and over the pale expanse of his thighs. The cut accentuates the angle of his hips, the fabric pulled tightly over the bones there, grazing them with every movement. A darker shade of blue in the centre reveals the pre-come already seeping from Alex’s cock. He suppresses a shiver as he eagerly palms the front of the panties, gasping at the light touch. His eyes flutter closed.

“Fuck,” he hears Sean breathe from the door way, and his eyes snap open to meet the startled blue gaze behind him. Thankfully the door falls shut before anyone else can walk by and witness Alex’s humiliation. He averts his eyes to his closet, jaw clenching tightly as he waits for Sean to start mocking him. Anger starts to pool in the pit of his stomach, chasing his arousal away. “I…uh, just um…well, I’m…uh, just going to do some, um…flying practice, and I was just seeing if you wanted to…come, but...obviously you’re uh, busy. So…”

It’s the first time Alex has ever heard Sean struggle for words.

He keeps his gaze fixed on his closet as Sean starts to shuffle uncomfortably behind him, stuck between voicing the obvious and casually running straight back out of the room again so they can pretend that this never happened. What he doesn’t count on is Sean walking up behind him and placing a tentative hand just below the navel, fingers ghosting questioningly over the blue satin hem. Alex’s head jerks back to the face the mirror. Sean's freckled skin stands out against the peachy expanse of skin that is Alex's stomach. The reflection of Sean smirks confidently; eyes hungrily skimming Alex’s form, before his hand delves straight in, grasping Alex’s cock firmly. His hips stutter at the unexpected contact and Sean wraps his free arm around Alex’s front, pulling him back so their bodies align. Alex can feel the hardness in Sean’s pants pressing up against his ass as the red head starts to lazily stroke his length.

“Shit Sean,” Alex moans as Sean’s attention slips to his neck, sucking and biting rhythmically. His curls tickle the skin of Alex’s shoulder as a shiver knots down his spine. He can’t take his eyes off the mirror. He reaches behind him to grab at Sean’s ass cheeks, dragging him even closer so Sean’s erection presses teasingly between the cheeks of Alex’s ass. Hot breath gushes over his shoulder as Sean gasps at the friction created, muttering Alex's name into the back of his neck before kissing it gently.

They continue for a few more minutes. Sean rutting against Alex’s ass as he strokes him, both watching their reflections with half-lidded eyes, until Alex feels the familiar pressure build and rise. His hips canter as he comes, head falling back onto Sean’s angular shoulder. His legs feel shaky, knees folding in on themselves, but Sean holds him up with surprising strength, arm tightening around his waist. Sean strokes him through it, nuzzling his neck until his own breathing hitches erratically and he bucks against Alex, repeating his name as he comes. They sink to the floor, chests heaving and gasping for air.

The front of Alex’s new panties is stained sapphire, sticking to him uncomfortably. He moves to shimmy out of them but Sean curls his own slender fingers around his wrist and smiles lethargically at him. “There’s no way in hell I’m letting you takes those off for the next four hours, man.”

Alex laughs. He can live with that.
A/n: I don't even know. I was happily minding my own business until this thing hit me in the face and forced me to write into the early hours of the morning. I usually keep to the PG rating because I fail at anything remotely sexual but oh well.

Also anyone know where I can get a cute Alex/Sean icon? I need one :(

Comments are welcome (Click on the blue pencil at the top of the page)

pairing: alex/sean, slash, fandom: x-men first class

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