(no subject)

Jun 15, 2008 23:11

I'm sunburnt.  Real bad. Again.
Finished reading Generation Dead.  It was good, I didn't see the end coming.  Nice surprises are good.
David Sedaris' new book When You Are Engulfed in Flames [bday present from the boyfriend] is really good as well, no duh.
The Zen of Zombie is hilarious, it's a self-help type book about how to become a better person by acting like the undead.  Bday present from Steve =)

I'm really tired. I got one knife appointment tomorrow but luckily it's someone I love and she's coming to my house instead of vice versa. =)
I think I'll spend my G!Uncle's bday present .... wait. I didn't write here about that yet, did I?  Oh man, it's the coolest present EVER!
Ok so my G!Uncle is gay [duh] and his main contribution to my future is this emergency credit card he gave me.  It's for emergencies and to buy all my school books and supplies.  It's one of the nicest things ever.  But that was ages ago, anyway, so all I asked for for my birthday was money for a laptop and school and whatnot.  But my wonderful...ahem, I mean, FABulous [he's gay, what can i say?!] G!Uncle couldn't just give me money.  Actually he could have given me nothing, I didn't ask him for anything because he's done soooo much for me.  But he's awesome and whatnot so he had to give me something apparently. =) ANYWAY! So! I get to spend $100 on the credit card he gave me.  But that's not all!  Oh no siree! I don't get off that easily!  For every dollar on the credit card I spend I get that much in cash [to put in savings] BUT for every dollar I go over he deducts a dollar of cash [i.e. if i spend $105 on the credit card, I only get $95 in cash] BUT if I spend exactly $100 I get $150 of cash!  But that's STILL not all!  This expires one week from my birthday AND has to be completed within 24 hours! 
Is that not the coolest present you've ever heard of???? Isn't my G!Uncle the bestest?? =) I love him so much!!! Not even because of the money, because of the thought and creativity and love put into the gift.  I wish everyone was like that, like my G!Uncle...-sigh-

I'm really tired.  I love my boyfriend, he's incredibly sweet sometimes...
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