Angry Rant! [Can't say I didn't warn you]

Jun 14, 2008 15:37

Being forgotten/ignored is one of my biggest fears and one of those things that really pisses me off.  So you'd think that the people [or PERSON] closest to me would do their best to not aggravate me that way.  I mean if I know something bothers someone, I try my best to not do that thing.  Makes sense? Common decency? Ugh.
ESPECIALLY when people [or A CERTAIN PERSON!] requests that I do something FOR THEM. 
I'm really pissed off.  This really pisses me off.  And I'm certain when said person is confronted about it, said person is going to say I am overreacting.  Which might be the case if said person wasn't already doing something that upset me! Geez! Duh! ARGH!
I am so sick and tired of people in general. [Stems from a conversation where I literally went "Oh well I don't like animals that much.....or children....actually, I don't like people in general!"]  Working here at this public library has made me sort of bitter and I really don't think that much of the human race in general.  Or I think and expect too much of it. 
It's just common sense people! Do what you say you are going to do! Do what you tell people you are going to do! Do what your loved ones ask of you! ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU SAY YOU'RE GOING TO DO IT ANYWAY! FOLLOW THROUGH! AND DON'T GET MAD AT ME WHEN I'M UPSET AND BITCHY BECAUSE OF YOUR STUPIDITY!!!!!!!
-big sigh- That made me feel a bit better. But still. Grr! >.<
If your stupidity/carelessness has made me upset and bitchy then it is YOUR responsibility to fix it, NOT mine! Or at least, you don't want it to be mine because the way I'm going to fix it doesn't bode well for you!

-sigh- I have a little over an hour of work left, and then I have a knife demo directly afterwards. Ugh.
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