(no subject)

Jun 13, 2008 23:40

So the best part about today [besides meeting all of Amy's animals!!! ^_^] was the fact that I got an email from Vector [Cutco's main thingy] saying that they're sending me my first commission check! It's a little over $100! Then Jill has to get all my appointments and make up the difference with my base pay. I'm pretty pumped.  =)
Finally watched The Ring 2.  Everyone was mainly right - the first one was better, this one was kinda silly.  But if they had put more effort into it and kept Samara looking the same [I HATEDHATEDHATED how they changed her face and stuff!!!!] it had a nice-ish plot.  With her real mother and all.  If they had done it right and cut out some of the filler crappy stuff they would have even had enough intrigue for a third installment.  That's what I think anyway. 
I'm kinda tired and feeling a bit drained, I don't know why.  I guess I've just had a full week. 
I'm still horridly sunburnt.  It hurts to wear shirts and bras =(
Um I suppose I'll go to bed now. 
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