(no subject)

Jun 08, 2008 00:12

Whatever happened to everyday postings???
Silly me.
Update: In one day I got a Physical, Gyno, 8 vials of blood taken and 25 X-Rays. Yes, I AM that hardcore, thank you very much!
And I'm on a strict NO GLUTEN diet.  It sucks hardcore.  EVERYTHING has gluten in it!!! Look up Celiac Disease and the restrictive diet.  It sucks.  But the Krogers in Mount DeChantal carries Gluten-Free stuff. It makes me super happy. ^_^
Sellin' mah knives is goin' awesomely!  I'm almost at my first promotion ^_^ Just from my mommy! She bought a shit load of stuff but said that this was the only time she was ever going to buy stuff, lol.  And I did a presentation/demo thingy for Dylan [my sisters boyfriend]'s parents.  It was fun.  His brother wanted to test the knives in crazy ways.  So we now know that the scissors can cut quarters in half as well as denting the penny! And Dylan held the French Chef knife and Donnie dropped an apple on it and it sliced right through it! It was pretty cool.  They didn't buy anything but that was cool cuz I get paid either way =).  If anyone knows of anyone 25 years or older that is willing to listen to a half hour presentation on knives....let me know! Or tell them to contact me!! ^_^

-sigh- I'm going to call my internet-less boy now....
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