(no subject)

Jun 08, 2008 22:46

My wonderful G!Uncle Matt bought some knives! ^_^ [for those of you who haven't heard the story - my G!Uncle Matt is my gay uncle. So when we went to London with him we were slap happy and whatnot and he was like "I'm gay so I'm not like your other Uncles, but I'm definitely not an Aunt...hmm...I'm like your...your....Guh-Uncle!" and then we decided on the "G.Uncle" spelling because it makes him seem more ghetto [we were really sleep deprived on that trip! lol] and then he decided he was just wayyyy too fabulous for ghetto-ness so he changed it to G!Uncle which is much more FABulous and definitely gayer. lol. I love him.]
So the knife selling business I have gotten myself into isn't all that bad.  We'll see how this goes, we'll see....

On the Gluten-Free [GF] Homefront: I've lived all these long days without any gluten.  It's hard and I'm hungry sometimes but I'm getting better at it.  I just need to make sure we have some more "raw" stuff in the house.  And I need to learn to fucking cook and have the food come out good enough that I can eat it and not cry.  I made some weird little pancake-y things.  They were really sugary but were kind of ok with some butter on 'em.

Ugh, I just remembered I have to take the bus tomorrow. Ew.

I'm reading A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray.  It's interesting so far, not sure how it's going to play out.

My nipples are itchy. They are healing and very, very itchy.

I suppose I'll go to bed now, Michael's been waiting for me to finish this so he can read it, lol =)
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