(no subject)

Jun 04, 2008 08:23

I am up wayyyy too early.  I have a Doctor's Appointment From Hell today. =(  I've got my Physical, then my first Gyn Appointment then a fuck ton of blood tests.   Since my mom is taking me to the doctors today and then into Pittsburgh on Friday for registration she asked me to get up early and sit with Joshua [the 3 year old she babysits sometimes] until the rest of the kids get up.  I'm tired and hungry and have had bad days the last 2 days! =(  But my bad day was alleviated yesterday.
My dad went to go get his tattoo done, it was a cover up on his thigh.  It doesn't matter what you think of the subject matter [personally I don't care for it] it still is an amazingly done tattoo: 

Anyway, so when my Dad went I asked him to bring Brian [Hot Rod Tattooing] an idea I had for a tattoo to roughly see how much it cost and how long it would take.  When my Dad came home he told me and said Brian wanted me to just call him and make an appointment.  So I did ^_^ I'm getting it done on July 7th after Michael gets his touch up on his Mandalorian Crest [Star Wars -sigh- lol].  I could've gotten it done wayy earlier but decided to wait until I could go with Michael [plus I bitched at him when he asked to get a tattoo without me...lol....gotta be consistent know what I mean?? =P Naw but really, I want to go with him].  And besides if I wait all that time I'll be able to actually save up the money rather than steal from my savings, lol.  But I'm excited! ^_^ It's going to look like an ink stamp, about 5 inches wide and 2 or 3 inches tall, all black and say BEAUTIFUL.  It's my beauty stamp.  It's in retaliation to all the people that say my various body modifications are "disgusting" and ruining my body.  I'll say "It's not ruining my body!  It's not disgusting! I'm beautiful! See?!?!" ^_^ I was originally going to get it on the back of my neck.  But then I thought about it and I like pulling my hair up and unfortunately places I work look down upon "visible tattoos and piercings other than the ears" =/ So I decided to get it right between my shoulder blades, right under where the collar of my shirt would be.  Which kinda sucks, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do!
Yesterday I was upset.  I walked all the way to the Vector/Cutco office [where my new job is and whatnot] for my last day of training.  It was a good 15 or 20 minute walk [which, if you know me, is FARR too much exercise!] and it was already pretty hot out.  Then when I got there Amber [the awesome receptionist] didn't have any idea why I was there.  Jill [my manager] had forgotten and went to a meeting.  I was upset and sad.  So now hopefully my doctor stuff won't take long and I can finish up training today.  -sigh-

I'm fucking starving. =(
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