(no subject)

Jun 02, 2008 23:39

I was toying with the idea of updating everyday, or almost everyday this summer.  Maybe I shall.  I had a crappy day today which started crappy because I couldn't find the earrings that would have went PERFECT with my outfit. -sigh- AND! I had to take the bus to AND from work. There was craziness that ensued.  But I shan't bore you with that story because I am tired and it's all too much to type. 
I can't go to bed just yet, though, because the Pens game is still on and the people diagonal from us are insane.  I love hockey, honestly.  I grew up with it [my dad used to play in high school] and I do enjoy it.  But these people, every single time the Pens score, freak the fuck out.  They scream and yell and blow those damned fog horn things.  So if I try to go to sleep now the Pens might score and I'll be woken up. -_-
I haven't been sleeping very well lately.  Nightmares and my window being open because it's so damn hot have kept me from having a full nights sleep.  =( 
I have my last training for Cutco Cutlery/Vector Industries [or whatever, I could be making the "industries" part up, I did just start The New Avengers Volume 3 so I could be toying with the whole Stark Industries thing...subconsciously of course...lol].  I'm kinda excited. 
I finished the third House of Night book by P.C. and Kirsten Cast.  I liked them, I must admit at first they didn't seem really all that great, but they are coming along nicely.  Good suspense, good plot.  But alas!  Now I must wait aaalllll the way until the fall to read book 4.  -siiiiigh- 
Oh and I also got the Boondocks Treasury that we apparently ordered at the library.  I can't remember the name of it now.  Damn.  Ugh, anyway - It's good, I really do love the Boondocks.  Which reminds me to watch that vhs of Metalocalypse so I can borrow The Boondocks from Fudge.  And get The Grudge back from him / remind him to watch The Grudge.  On one of those websites I found out that they are planning on doing a third Grudge movie.  This fact makes me happy.  I don't care what people say The Grudge and The Grudge 2 are awesome movies.  They followed the plot amazingly from the first to the second.  And the sound that the "grudge" makes makes me smile ^_^.

Ah well.  I feel like sleep is something important, so I shall go partake in some of that.
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