I'm trying to make this as concise as possible, bear with me...
At a meeting someone offered me a job, but I have to apply with the temp agency she works at to get it. As routine they run a background check on everyone. I'm especially looking to hear from someone who is knowledgeable about the pre-employment screening process since I know that some places have the ability to dig up more information that others.
Because I met this person at a political meeting and am trying to operate in a stealth manner with this organization(moderate Republicans), I don't want her to know I have transitioned.
So I have two questions in this post: what will the background check reveal and what should I do about this?
As Far As the Background Check:
I'm trying to figure out exactly what type of check they're doing so I can figure out what would come up.
The online application requires I list the last three places I've lived and provide a Driver's License number(but no Social Security, surprisingly).
At this point, I've done searches on my name on the online background check sites and absolutely nothing comes up. So is it reasonable to presume that the agency wouldn't be able to find much either?
Also, does name AND social security have to match in order to pull up information on someone in a national database? Can she uncover any information that would undeniably prove I have transitioned?
And Finally, What Should I Do?:
I would like this job, but don't need it. And I know that if this person is professional she shouldn't say anything to me about the mismatching information so long as I don't have anything disqualifying in my past.
So I was thinking of going in, applying for the job and just acting confused if she does ask about information under a different name(because it could be an error). I just don't want her to put two and two together and figure out I've transitioned.
But if enough people advise me that I can't pull this off I could call tomorrow and make up an excuse for why I can't accept the job(good excuses would be appreciated as well).