Another shippy vid! And also, another late-season-three, early-season-four one. So, it essentially covers the same ground as the last shippy vid I recced. Sorry 'bout that; can't be helped. ;-)
Link: I love this one because of its great use of rhythmic intercutting. By interweaving a main scene with desaturated flashback (or flash-forward) stills and/or secondary scenes, Hollywood compresses entire sequences of events into compact, non-linear... summations of certain points in the John/Aeryn relationship, which combine to create a complex structure that really does feel as if it contains the entire ty of the relationship as of early season four. Often, the intercutting makes use of visual similarities in scenes with very different emotional content, which really underlines the contrast between John/Aeryn before and after Talyn!John's death.
It's somewhat difficult to pick favourite moments here, as the vid is chock full of the little motion/rhythm kicks that I love so much about vids. Also, I'm a bit pressed for time and can't really sit down and rewatch the vid ten times in a row today. So, here's a short selection:
0:00 - 0:05 Love the intro
1.04 Very effective use of reverse speed-ramping
1:06-1:10 Aeryn and Talyn!John intercut with Aeryn and Moya!John
2:17-2:20 Great transition from happy flashback land to the grim present of The Choice
2:21 For some reason I particularly enjoy the colours in this clip, which are so much more intense than the desaturated (=not quite real anymore) tones of the flashback clips
2:42 Aeryn stepping out of the frame