Jul 10, 2013 22:19
Not much going on which in my case is a good thing at this point in time. My Yoga class starts up again tomorrow after a much longer than usual break thanks to the AC unit in the studio dying and the farm market is tomorrow so the rest of the week is looking up. My new prescription sunglasses are ready and I'm going to go pick them up Friday and treat myself to dinner while I'm out and about, Saturday I should probably start gathering the camping gear and making a few things to wear for Pennsic... I'm still trying to debate getting a Kindle Fire HD... I don't need one but it would be nice for when I travel.
So other than the rain being almost non-stop not a bad over all week... Monday sucked but that is the nature of Mondays.
Now I'm off to look for a good fic with a happy ending to keep the good feeling going. Take care!
good news,