
Jan 07, 2012 03:15

To date, I think I'm one of the most self-destructive person that I know.


This is a photo of my planner from Starbucks -- it's all the rave here these days, seriously, and now that I have gotten myself stuffed and broke by drinking coffee at an almost everyday rate to get those 17 stickers required to claim a planner, I've finally gotten it. The reason I've actually pursued this is, as said in my previous post, for me to be able to keep track of my life this 2012.

I'm trying my best to update it as often as I can (I even bought a Muji pen to write in it! THE LENGTHS I GO THROUGH JUST TO BE MORE PRODUCTIVE), even to the extent of writing all the things my mouth gobbled up in the span of one day (lol, you can see those chicken scratches at the rightmost side of the left page which is near the planner's spine), just so I could also use this planner to keep track of what I eat. So far, I see that I write too much on that side =___= I am aiming to diminish the text on that side of the planner as the days go by.

Apart from the Starbucks Planner though, I've got another planner-of-sorts:

This is my Goal Planner for 2012 -- I've decided to place these goals in a different planner other than the earlier one because the Starbucks planner is both for work and personal stuff. This Goal Planner though is a more... detailed planner, where I get into the nitty-gritty/littlest things.

For one, I've listed my goals for the month, small or big as they may be. It's not as date-specific as the bigger planner, but I feel this segregation is important (and also because I'm sure some people would want to take a peek at my Starbucks planner lol). There are just some things that you think of when you're not facing a calendar, but want to get done on a certain day/month/period/etc, and putting it on a date-specific planner makes it inflexible to changes. Not that I would like to move my plans around, but things like No absences from work and class it's at the reverse page lol doesn't really go well with a dated planner, aye? ^^;;;


I met joieavrille/Aprille earlier today (or yesterday seeing as it's already past twelve), and, my plan to 'spend less than 100 pesos on food for lunch' totally went out of the window because we just had to end up in Little Tokyo. LOL. It's practically our mecca in the metro, and being in one of the shops, no matter how big or small, makes the experience so much more fun and alive. IDK, it might just be me, but I do know Aprille would agree :D

And and, she treated me to pizza soon after /shot it's my first time to try a Dear Darla from The Yellow Cab Company. |D Why hi, I'm a noob. trololol.


I also think, based on the past few days, I am probably one of the moodiest persons I know.

... And that is all.

How is everyone? 8)

she says this entry is pointless, she knows philosophy and je, she says blogging is therapeutic, she has rl friends too!, she actually has a non-fandom post whee~, she fails at explaining complex ideas, she is fail

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