
Jan 02, 2012 16:38

It's the second day of the New Year, and I have the day off.

But I am babysitting kids. What fun. lalala.

Just clocking in to greet everyone on my f-list~

Happy New Year!

Also, this is an attempt to post a minimum of 3 times a week on this journal, even after the fiasco of Patch Update 88.2 aka In Which Livejournal Gives All User Levels The Privilege To Edit Comments Effectively Making Light Of Their Paid Users' Patronage.

I'm sorry, but really. There is no point for me to get a paid account in LJ now because the option to edit comments had been their selling point for me. Ads are manageable anyway depending on browser and extensions/plug-ins. I'll just wait until my paid time expires, and then I'll say baibai to paid account.

That said, I'll probably be moving my posts slowly, but surely, to my Dreamwidth account. Once I remember which one I'm using as a backup for this one, that is. ^^; (I have, I think, 6 accounts in DW).

Here's to hoping the new year would be kind to me. To everyone. ☆

she says this entry is pointless, she actually has a non-fandom post whee~

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