
Dec 18, 2005 18:58

I cannot believe they're making another Sharpe movie. Don't get me wrong, I harbour a deep and abiding affection for Sean Bean's ass in those tight breeches the original series, but come on! Am I the only one who saw Troy? Sean Bean's like seventy years old. They're going to have him pushing a frickin' Zimmerframe across India, "dramatic tension" ( Read more... )

troy sucked, kim possible, sharpe, sean bean

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ajmckay December 18 2005, 20:09:00 UTC
Big Wolf on Campus

Guess: Vince

Eerie, Indiana

Guess: Dash X


Guess: Christian


Guess: Lex


Guess: Wesley

The rest of the fandoms I don't remember enough characters or am not familiar with the fandom to make a guess. ^_^


froodle December 18 2005, 20:19:57 UTC
Right on everything except Wesley, who, while briefly cool in season 2, degenerated into total annoyingness when Fred came into the picture.


ajmckay December 18 2005, 20:21:56 UTC
I've only seen a couple of episodes of Angel and I was going to guess Spike, but I remembered he was only in the last season. Is it Angel?


froodle December 18 2005, 20:58:57 UTC
Le non. It is neither Spike nor Angel.


ajmckay December 18 2005, 22:14:17 UTC
Fine, Cordelia? I know I like her...


froodle December 18 2005, 22:41:05 UTC
I like Cordy too, but she loses points for shagging Connor, so... nope.


ajmckay December 18 2005, 23:09:17 UTC

On Escaflowne wasn't there some Allen guy? I only saw a few episodes a long, long time ago. Allen is probably the dubbed name, but I never got too far into the show.


froodle December 18 2005, 23:14:37 UTC
Not Doyle.

Actually, Allen was his name in both versions, but it's not him. He actually turns out to be a bit of a dickhead.


clay_mans_maker December 20 2005, 05:36:22 UTC
definately connor mcmyshirtonlylookslikeatentbecausemydadborrowedit


froodle December 21 2005, 10:29:01 UTC
Le non.


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