
Dec 18, 2005 18:58

I cannot believe they're making another Sharpe movie. Don't get me wrong, I harbour a deep and abiding affection for Sean Bean's ass in those tight breeches the original series, but come on! Am I the only one who saw Troy? Sean Bean's like seventy years old. They're going to have him pushing a frickin' Zimmerframe across India, "dramatic tension" ( Read more... )

troy sucked, kim possible, sharpe, sean bean

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Comments 152

enednoviel December 18 2005, 19:15:22 UTC
Ouch... aren't you a little harsh in your judgement?
I have to admit that I was sceptical too. But the first pictures are very promising, he really looks good back in uniform!


froodle December 18 2005, 19:33:23 UTC
Admittedly, the last thing I saw him in was Troy, and he may have recovered from what I can only assume was a horrible wasting disease that made him look like the Yorkshire version of Yoda, but I hold out little hope. Even airbrushing has limits. Maybe they could like, cut out a picture of him ten years ago and superimpose it over him all the way through the movie, like when Ben Affleck was in South Park and they pasted his head onto a cartoon body.

Ultimatly it doesn't really matter, since I'll end up watching it anyway, even if I am glued to the TV from sheer horrified fascination as pensioner!Sharpe storms the impenatrable fortress, ravishes Buxom McWenchly and subsequently has to have a hip operation due to overexertion in the line of duty.


enednoviel December 18 2005, 19:38:22 UTC
We'll see, won't we?


dissident_dream December 18 2005, 19:19:18 UTC
I think its quite hot


froodle December 18 2005, 19:21:36 UTC
Jesus! Can't you at least be consistent in your perversions? First it's innocent underaged boys, now it's senior citizens. Madame, you sicken me.


dissident_dream December 18 2005, 20:57:18 UTC
I'm just not fussy! well not at the moment anyway


froodle December 18 2005, 20:57:54 UTC
Dirty, dirty whore.


liar_xx December 18 2005, 19:24:03 UTC
And without the added attraction of lemon squares.


froodle December 18 2005, 19:31:14 UTC
Oh man, that would be about the only thing that could save it from a mire of suckiness - the last line in the film is the Indian warlord dude being like, "Patrick Harper, you think your lemon squares are all that! But they're not! They're not!" and then climbing into an ice-cream truck and driving away.


liar_xx December 20 2005, 21:57:26 UTC
That'd be a great ending for just about any movie.


froodle December 21 2005, 10:26:45 UTC
Ice cream trucks and baked goods make everything funny.

I wish Disney would release Kim Possible on DVD - not just the movies (and StD sucked anyway) but the whole series. It was such an awesome show, I know I'd buy it.


ajmckay December 18 2005, 20:09:00 UTC
Big Wolf on Campus

Guess: Vince

Eerie, Indiana

Guess: Dash X


Guess: Christian


Guess: Lex


Guess: Wesley

The rest of the fandoms I don't remember enough characters or am not familiar with the fandom to make a guess. ^_^


froodle December 18 2005, 20:19:57 UTC
Right on everything except Wesley, who, while briefly cool in season 2, degenerated into total annoyingness when Fred came into the picture.


ajmckay December 18 2005, 20:21:56 UTC
I've only seen a couple of episodes of Angel and I was going to guess Spike, but I remembered he was only in the last season. Is it Angel?


froodle December 18 2005, 20:58:57 UTC
Le non. It is neither Spike nor Angel.


dissident_dream December 18 2005, 20:59:41 UTC
1. Never heard of it
2. Spike or Gunn
3. hmm Zander
4. Jayne
5. eh?
6. rabbit
7. Jack
10. Archie
11. Aragorn


froodle December 18 2005, 21:08:10 UTC
1. Because you're gay.
2. Wrong!
3. Yay Xander!
4. Well, that was a bit of a no-brainer.
5. Again, you're gay.
6. ...gay.
7. Yay Jack!
10. Yay Archie!
11. Ewww no, he's a horrible hobo!


dissident_dream December 18 2005, 21:11:54 UTC
1. Am not, muffin lover
2. Angel
11. Boromir


froodle December 18 2005, 21:20:30 UTC
1. That's not what the barmaid says.
2. Le non.
11: Ewwwww he's ginger!


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