(no subject)

Dec 18, 2005 18:58

I cannot believe they're making another Sharpe movie. Don't get me wrong, I harbour a deep and abiding affection for Sean Bean's ass in those tight breeches the original series, but come on! Am I the only one who saw Troy? Sean Bean's like seventy years old. They're going to have him pushing a frickin' Zimmerframe across India, "dramatic tension" arising when his arthritic hands can't fire the bloody rifle in the heat of battle and the only way he's goin to rip anybody's bodice is if Emily from the Corpse Bride happens to be available. It's going to be that episode of Kim Possible where Drakken creates an army of old people all over again, only not good.

On the other hand, the opposing side is going to be fucking terrified when they realise that Britain can apparently raise the dead and force them to fight for us. Bet Napolean wishes he'd thought of that.

In other news, a shiny meme:

1. Post a list of up to 20 books/movies/anime/TV shows/video games/etc. that you've had an obsessive fannish love of at some time in your life.
2. Have your friends list guess your favourite character from each item.

1. Escaflowne
2. Angel
3. Buffy - Xander - Snithy
4. Firefly - Jayne - Snithy
5. Wolf's Rain - Hige aka Fluffy - Hex and, by a process of elimination, _doompixie_
6. Watership Down - Thlayli/Bigwig - Hex
7. Master and Commander (movie) - Jack - Snithy
8. Eerie, Indiana - Dash X - ajmckay
9. Big Wolf on Campus - Vince - ajmckay
10. Hornblower - Ickle Midshipman Archie - Snithy and enednoviel
11. LOTR (movies) - Merry - Snithy
12. Battlestar Galactica (the new one)
13. Invader Zim - Gaz - _doompixie_
14. Good Omens - Zira - Hex
15. Saiyuki
16. Rurouni Kenshin
17. Orphen - Hartia - Hex
18. Moomins - Snufkin - _doompixie_
19. Smallville - Lex - ajmckay
20. Nip/Tuck - Christian - ajmckay

troy sucked, kim possible, sharpe, sean bean

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