that dude from the Spartacus prequel is EXACTLY what would happen if Jared Leto and Colin Farrell had a baby. LITERALLY EXACTLY. His gladiator superpower is drinking and fucking other dude's wives. What have those pussies Spartacus and Crixos got that compares? NOTHING.
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I must be near the end of Blood and Sand (curse you badly labelled illegal downloads!) because John Hannah and Xena are still alive, but Spartacus has decided to get all his dudes to bust out. Basically this is what has happened:
Crixus and Spartacus fought a giant dude and they were almost dead but then Crixus blinded the dude with SCIENCE MAGIC and Spartacus killed him and it rained and everyone loves Spartacus
Spartacus's wife is dead, and John Hannah did it.
The lady who looks like a flatulent poodle made a dude tell Spartacus to kill the curly haired blond dude because she found out that Spartacus and the blond dude were besties
then poodle and Crixus were gonna have sex but at the last minute Xena was like "hahah it was spartacus all along PRANKED!" and poodle killed one of her fellow roman heathers for laughing
John Hannah killed the other main gladiator dude that isn't Crixus basically because Asher is horrible
crixus and naevia were in love and it was totes beautiful but then xena found out and now naevia is sold, again because asher is HORRIBLE
spartacus found out john hannah killed his wife and now hes like BITCHES GONNA DIE
John Hannah kidnapped a dude who looked like the Hemulen from the Moomins, but then he framed his enemy gladiator dude for the crime so Spartacus killed that dude but was like, "ps, totes gonna kill John Hannah" and the dude was like, lol pranked, so I guess it was okay
spartacus is trying to get crixus to be in his gang and crixus is
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