Let's Play Galaxy Angel, Chapter 4, Part 2: Space Yacht Salesman

Jul 04, 2011 22:42

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The tie was deadlocked for a while, but in the end, a clear winner emerged. I wish that would happen more often. It looks like many of you are either sympathetic to the plight of merchant NPCs or to that of people who have to deal with shortages of everything all at once. That or you just want to see me suffer through an escort mission.

There's different dialogue here depending on whether or not you helped Milfie and Ranpha make up after their fight earlier this chapter. Since we did, they encourage each other and cheer each other up at the thought of things being back to normal. Mint, worried about the cargo and the fact that the merchant ships are just civilians, urges us to rescue them quickly; Forte poses the other half of the argument, reminding us that no matter what, the Elsior is our biggest priority.

>Prioritize the merchants.

Once again, the readers have spoken. The results of the decision change the plan that we're given, as well as the behaviour of the AI.

We're up against five Barmells and four Spards, divided into two groups: one after the merchants, one after us. We need to get the merchants and the Elsior safely to the place on the map marked TARGET POINT, while the Angels keep the enemy from getting anywhere. We win if the merchant fleet gets to the target area or if we defeat all the enemies.

Tact: Um... girls? Defend the civilians on the ships too...

The Angels are initially set to target the group of enemies right in front of us, but I send Milfie, Ranpha, and Mint up to engage the group closest to the merchant fleet. Forte and Vanilla keep their original targets, and the Elsior moves toward the target area.

It's a good thing I did. As you can see from the map in the corner of the screen, these enemies start moving up quickly. Ranpha's speed is a big asset here, and she manages to get in front of them.

Even with her high armour, leaving Forte alone for too long will wear down her health. I send Vanilla down to heal before it gets too bad. How did Vanilla get up there, anyway? I told her to stay at the bottom of the map.

After another round of Ranpha Kills Everything (seriously, this has never happened any other time I've played through this game!), we win without any fatalities. This is why, sometimes, you just shouldn't listen to what the AI is trying to do.

Current overall kill stats:
Lucky Star: 10
Kung Fu Fighter: 23
Trick Master: 8
Happy Trigger: 7
Harvester: 8

At least I gave Forte more to do this time.

Oh, Milfie. You and your cake.

Everybody's happy that they and the supplies are all safe. (Only Vanilla actually seems to be worried about the civilians.) We even manage to impress Forte by protecting both the merchants and the Elsior. Once the celebrating calms down, Almo gets a communication from the merchant fleet.

Mint's Father's Obnoxious Employee: Vincent
I don't even think they gave this guy a last name.

Man, this guy's annoying. He sounds like a frog and speaks in an unnaturally formal manner, and every line of his is composed of empty praise and attempts to suck up.

Vincent: By the way, if I might ask a sudden question... Before, who was the pilot in the blue fighter? Could it be...
Tact: Yeah, you're right. That pilot was Mint Blancmanche. Please let her family know that Miss Mint is safe.
Vincent: It was her! I will report it with pleasure! President Darno Blancmanche... No, Miss Mint's father is sure to be pleased. ...Hahaha. I'll get a promotion, too...!

Vincent immediately starts trying to get the sale, and we're not even finished cleaning up after the battle. The second Tact convinces him to wait a minute and turns off the communication channel, he admits that this guy is a weirdo. Mint says it's normal in their line of work, and she's not entirely sure that Vincent is happy to see her alive and well, either. When Tact asks about it, though, Mint says it's nothing.

Tact wonders what the big problem is with Mint. Forte seemed to know something earlier and didn't say anything, and Vanilla gives the same answer when Tact asks her about it in the hangar. Whatever it is is Mint's personal business, supposedly. Tact still isn't satisfied, though. He goes off to find Mint herself and ask her for help with the negotiations with Vincent and company.

Mint says she's perfectly fine, but Tact presses the issue: ever since she brought up the idea of contacting the Blancmanche Corporation, she's been quiet, hesitant, and secretive, not to mention not nearly as happy and/or devious as she usually is. She keeps denying it and tells him they should just get going and get these negotiations finished.

Vincent gets overdramatic and acts ridiculously pleased about the safety of MINTO-SAMAAA~, while she diplomatically pretends to listen to him declaring that this day should be a company holiday every year. He then starts offering us a bunch of stuff we really don't need: a first-class space yacht (Tact gets out of that by saying they don't have room for one... even if the Elsior has an ocean big enough to fit a space whale inside it), a premium golf course membership (Tact says he doesn't golf), and a piece of valuable abstract art (Tact just outright doesn't like it).


Vincent shuts up (it helps to have the company's heiress on your side) and gets down to business, but in one final act of sucking up, offers us 80% off everything. That would certainly be more useful than a first-class space yacht, but by this point, Tact is just sick and tired of this guy and refuses the discount without even giving us a choice menu. Vincent is finally rendered speechless and signs the contract for regular price that Mint already had drawn up and ready to go.

Good riddance, and may you never bother us again.

Because I forgot to show it last time: Mint-themed save menu.


You know the drill by now.

let's play galaxy angel

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