Let's Play Galaxy Angel, Chapter 4, Part 3: Death By Sugar High

Jul 15, 2011 00:28

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Now that the four-way tie is finally broken (no, seriously) and I've finally got some time, you get another installment of this thing. Team Milfie, you've won again. Sorry to the other teams -- maybe try kicking your friends who read this but are too lazy to vote? Now onto the next part of Mint's chapter.

Without even an introduction piece, we move straight into a roaming segment. Tact needs to get his mind off Vincent, the creepy salesman, and he's going around the Elsior. First stop: the tea lounge.

For once, it isn't Mint in here. Milfie and Ranpha have set up a stage and some lights and are singing "Eternal Love", the game's opening theme. (Unfortunately, we don't actually get to hear Shintani Ryouko and Tamura Yukari sing.) Creta and the maintenance crew are in here, too, along with various other crew members. Apparently, Ranpha has fanboys on the Elsior... Tact isn't sure about having another party in the middle of a coup, but he just goes with it. Once they get off stage and meet up with Tact, they ask which of them was better -- Ranpha says her pitch was better, and Milfie says that at least she remembered the lyrics. The only thing to do is...

While I'd love to pick the third option, you guys said Milfie, so Milfie it is. Choosing Milfie gets Ranpha mad and makes Milfie happy, and vice versa. The third just doesn't do anything. All the options, however, prompt Tact to go up on stage and make an idiot of himself.

Vincent has taken over the elevator hall and set up shop in here. Though most normal people would like to avoid this guy, after going without just about everything they want, the crew of the Elsior is making a huge crowd. Why aren't I avoiding this guy? I'll tell you why. Look who else is here.

Shiva, with Forte as voluntary guard, is going out to see what normal society is like -- since this is really as close as the Elsior has been to being like a normal society since this whole expedition began. Given the prerequisite choices from previous Shiva scenes, this scene will unlock the Shiva subroute. I mentioned this in the beginning of the LP, where I compared it to Illya in Heaven's Feel for anyone who's played Fate/stay night. Some character focus, changing the ending a little, and providing some good exposition about the story and its world along the way.

Tact worries that Shiva will attract too much attention, especially when the merchants are aboard -- it's supposed to be strictly confidential that the last non-crazy living member of the royal family is on the Elsior. Shiva replies that, since Tact chose these guys to sell them stuff, Tact of all people should trust them not to leak anything. Forte adds that it's too late now anyway, everybody knows Shiva's here. Tact gives up and decides to shop with them, if only to keep Forte from talking the kid into just getting stuff for her.

Tact: Ah, here's a 3D chess board. How about this?
Shiva: Chess? Is that some kind of tool, Mayers?
Tact: It's a game where you arrange the pieces on the board and fight. You advance them and win by capturing the opponent's king.
Forte: (Whoa there, Mr. Commander. Why are you recommending something he can't play on his own?)
Tact: (Eh? Couldn't he play with his attendant?)
Forte: (From what I've heard, there's nobody around Prince Shiva who plays chess... including myself.)

After some antics with Shiva not knowing you're supposed to pay for things (I assume there's no real economy on the White Moon), Tact has to decide whether or not to let Shiva get the chess board. The kid really seems to want it, but with no one to play with...

>I'll play with you.

As the only person on this entire ship who knows how to play chess (apparently), though he hasn't played for a while, Tact offers to be Shiva's opponent. Shiva is pretty happy with this arrangement, and Forte's impressed, too. Guess we're playing chess with the heir to the Empire on a regular basis now. On to the rest of the ship.

Don't even risk it.

Other events:
-Tact treats Mint to tea and candy as thanks for helping them resupply. Mint is happy even as she politely calls him a cheapo.
-Milfie goes into the elevator hall and Vincent puts everything on sale. Luck strikes again! Milfie, the 500th customer today, wins a bunch of promotional goodies with the Blancmanche Corporation's mascot on them. Mint wants them but isn't going to say anything about it. I tell Milfie to give them to her because they'll take up too much space in Milfie's room.

After the time limit's nearly up, there's one more event. Tact goes into the park and... it's entirely white with steam. Visibility is zero. From what Tact can hear, all five Angels are in a hot spring...? Apparently, Mint secretly added it to the supply list. Never put anything past her.

Typical hot springs antics ensue, and Tact quietly debates sneaking in. Idiot. Did you not learn from when the robot pretending to be you was watching Ranpha in the shower? In what is not the best decision of his career, Tact sneaks up on them... and Ranpha and Mint hear him in the grass. But wait, they aren't going to kill him? The steam clears away as his brain cracks a little.

Serves you right.

Back on the bridge, Almo is finishing up communications with the Blancmanche merchants. Good riddance, Vincent. We never want to see you again. Just as he's about to leave, he sends a message from Mint's dad, which Mint requests be forwarded directly to her room so nobody else hears it. Vincent tries to get Mint to give him a personal commendation so he'll get a promotion, but Mint doesn't even listen to him. The merchants leave and the Elsior goes into Chrono Drive.

Tact goes to see Mint and talk about how much better she seems to be feeling now that the negotiations are over. Mint keeps saying it's his imagination, but after they've spoken for a little while, she invites him to come talk in her room. Following the trend set by the previous two chapters, this will be the place in which some great motivation for Mint is revealed, accompanied by a slow arrangement of her theme music!

So here's Mint's room. (Tact was imagining a room resembling a candy house, with rock candy windows and marble cake for walls. Mint read his mind and loled.) It's where she keeps her secret stash of candy and sweets, as well as a ton of giant stuffed animals in the closet. Mint may be devious and money-smart, but she does sometimes act her apparent age as well as her real one. I feel the need to mention again that, at least with this LP's audience, Mint would probably be a lot more popular if she didn't look ten years younger than she is.

Mint explains her earlier statement that the Blancmanche Corporation is full of people like Vincent. Her father likes it that way. He's a telepath like she is, and because he can see through people, he's always used suck-ups and the easily manipulated to move up in the financial world. When Tact notices how depressed she seems about all this, Mint just keeps on saying he's imagining it.

Mint: Then allow me to ask you something. Why did you renegotiate the price for the goods we purchased to resupply?
Tact: If we buy cheaply now, then we'd be relying on that in the future when we desperately need things later. And while I mean nothing against your father's company... I don't want to be in any kind of debt to Blancmanche. The bribe that salesman offered was really distasteful. If I took it, wouldn't you have felt bad, too?
Mint: Tact, you have a strange sense of values.
Tact: Really? I thought I just answered like anybody would.
Mint: Heheh. I wasn't trying to argue with you. I think that for you , it is a very typical answer.

Tact seems to get into these situations a lot. His bluntness and easygoing attitude towards weird things both make him stand out, but when people point it out, he thinks it's normal. This is what makes people like him, I guess. I applaud a game where the lead has an actual personality.

The real reason Mint stashes candy, stuffed toys, and kigurumi costumes in her room: childhood repression. Her father never let her have candy, and she's only gone out for fast food once in her entire life. Tact offers to take her when they get to Rhome, Mint automatically thinks he's asking her out on a date, and Tact panics and backpedals. Distraction! Unfortunately, the distraction is along the lines of "let's talk about your mysterious family issues that everyone's been hiding from me". Like I said, Tact is sometimes a little socially clueless.

[BGM: Mint's Theme (Arranged)]

Failparent Executive: Darno Blancmanche
It's hard to take him seriously with those sheep ears, though.

Mint reads Tact's mind and offers to show him the message from her father that she was keeping secret. Darno Blancmanche doesn't say anything particularly parental, though. He complains about the effect that the coup is having on the economy and tells Mint to go put it down fast and then come home soon. He needs the company heiress around, after all. Tact's response to the recording basically boils down to "lern2parenting", but he thinks that maybe, even if there wasn't any obvious emotion in the message, Mint's dad must still care about her well-being. Before Mint can start on "it's just your imagination" again, Tact says it's natural to dislike home if it's filled with people like Vincent.

Mint: ...Heheh. Apparently this time you were able to read my mind.

Mint actually left home and applied to the military so she could get away from the reach of her father and the Blancmanche Corporation. That was when they found out she had the aptitude for piloting an Emblem Frame. She was happy on the White Moon, but her father started trying to use it to his advantage and get her to make profitable connections there.

Mint's father, also a telepath, could always read her surface thoughts, but, as Mint explains, "even if you can read someone's thoughts, you cannot read their feelings. That must be done yourself." Darno Blancmanche never bothered to try and consider how Mint felt -- about candy or fast food or being a business pawn. Mint realizes while she's talking that she feels much happier now. It's the first time that she's ever really confessed all of her feelings to someone. She wonders if Tact is a telepath, too, just because of his intuition with people. She can't understand it, but decides to become Tact's friend instead of just his subordinate.

3 out of 5 Angels won over to Officially Not Hating Me. Now to the bridge!

We leave Chrono Drive and Lester starts to muse about how he's worried that people are happy and they could be attacked at any time. Shut up, you'll jinx it.

You jinxed it.

Even Tact's reaction is to facepalm and sigh at being attacked yet again. This fleet has piloted fighters in it along with the automated ships, though. Almo receives a communication from the fighters, and Tact reluctantly lets it through.

Oh, not you again.

Milfeulle: Aah! You're back! What're you here for this time!?
Camus: My dear honey, you are beautiful today. I cannot believe the one who commands the Angel Wing does not share your beauty.
Tact: If you don't want to look at me, then just retreat.

Camus and Guinness are back, and they've brought their friends. Three of them. Each with some reason to be a perfectly matched rival to one of the remaining Angels. Who here called that? We have:

Miserable Failure #...5?: Vermouth Matin

Some of you complained that there are too many kids in this game, but at least the ones we've already met were cute. This one's just annoying. Be glad that you don't have to hear his voice. Nobody is really sure what he has against Vanilla other than that he thinks she's boring.

Miserable Failure #4... shut up, I'm going by callsign: Red Eye
Laziest name ever.

Aside from his thing for violence, I really have no idea why they gave this guy to Forte. I guess making the lineface Vanilla's rival would make things really, really boring.

Miserable Failure #3: Riserva Chianti
Before you ask, I don't know.

Seriously, no translator has decided and no fandom resource has agreed on whether Riserva is a guy or a girl. I'm saying guy for spoilery reasons and based on a two-second video clip late in the game (most of these guys don't even get sprites). Anyway, Riserva is an aristocrat with a grudge against Mint and her family because they're new money. Like the rest of these idiots, he thinks he's the greatest thing since Lost Technology.

The five of them are mercenaries hired by Eonia, and naturally, they're after Shiva. Strong fighters, failure pilots: we have absolutely no chance of losing.

...Oh, great. Now I'm tempting fate.

let's play galaxy angel

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