Title: May the road rise up to meet you Authors: Laura H Rating: PG Characters: Jack, Teague Disclaimer: The Mouse Owns All. Author's Note: 100 words, written tenuously for the blackpearlsails prompt 'Tea'. Set in the Redux universe.
Title: Futures read Authors: Laura H Rating: PG Characters: Tia Dalma, Jack, mention of Will Pairings: implied J/E Disclaimer: The Mouse Owns All Author's note: Written in the Redux universe, but could still be canon.
Title: Sunlight & Adrift Author: Laura H Rating: R (to be on the safe side) Characters: J/E Category: Drabble, Angst Disclaimer: The Mouse owns all. Author's note: 100 words x 2, not written for any prompt.
Title: What Shall We Live For Author: Laura H Rating: PG Category: Post-AWE, W/E Characters: Elizabeth Disclaimer: The Mouse Owns All A/N: 100 words for the blackpearlsails prompt 'Cross'.
Title: Gigue a Deux Author: Laura H fried_flamingo Rating: PG Category: J/E Disclaimer: The Mouse Owns All A/N: 100 words for the blackpearlsails prompt 'Jig'. Turns out that those 6 months spent at Irish dancing when I was nine may not have been wasted.
Title: Lessons Learnt Author: Laura H fried_flamingo Rating: PG Category: character POV Disclaimer: The Mouse Owns All A/N: for the blackpearlsails prompt 'education'
Title: In Memoriam Author: Laura H fried_flamingo Rating: PG Category: Angst, implied J/E, AU, character death Disclaimer: The Mouse Owns All A/N: 100 words for the blackpearlsails prompt 'Bed'. I'm sorry, I did it again :(