Merlin Drabble: Take Me Up, PG, Gen

Jan 03, 2009 15:14

Title: Take Me Up
Author: Laura H
Rating: PG
Characters: Arthur, Excalibur
Spoilers: 1x09

Author's Note behind cut.
Take Me Up )

drabble, merlin

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Comments 11

otempora42 January 3 2009, 15:40:45 UTC
I agree -- I thought the introduction of Excalibur was a major anticlimax. However, I'd like to see what they do with it in the future.

I like this. I love the idea that Arthur and the sword are somehow bound, and that he'll find it again. Plus, you know, well-written and all that. I enjoyed it.


fried_flamingo January 4 2009, 01:18:43 UTC
I really wanted a 'sword in the stone' moment for this ep, but had to make do with Gwen's dad and a dragon breaking wind on the thing :/ I am hopeful that there will be a kick-ass episode down the line with the whole Lady in the Lake deal.

Thank you so much for you comments on the drabble. I'm really please you liked it :)


corilannam January 3 2009, 20:21:57 UTC
Ooh, that was really cool. Love the mystical connection between Arthur and his destined sword.


fried_flamingo January 4 2009, 01:19:32 UTC
Thank you so much. I'm hoping we see a bit of a mystical Arthir/Excalibur interaction in future episodes :)


djarum99 January 3 2009, 23:15:04 UTC
Lovely! Especially this:

It thrums in the back of his throat, his chest, his soul

I love that Arthur can hear the sword calling, and answers without words.

Gwen found it under her bed? These episodes really must cry out for fanfic.

(sorry about the icon - I just couldn't help myself)


fried_flamingo January 4 2009, 01:25:43 UTC
First of all, LMAO & guh! at the icon! Brilliant work *g*

Secondly, I'm glad you liked it, love!

And you know how I said turn off thinky brain while watching? Well, what I should have said is keep fic-thinky part active, because there is a ton of room for development with most of these eps.


mary684 January 4 2009, 00:16:35 UTC
a song in steel -- lovely image

At the window, he sees Uther fighting below, and for a moment Arthur thinks he wields fire. Then he sees. It is naught but a sword, naught but a sword.

Gorgeous. I hate to lose you to this new fandom, but when you write like this, gotta let you fly.

I love your beautiful excalibur icon!


fried_flamingo January 4 2009, 01:29:58 UTC
Thank you so much, hun! I'm really pleased that you took time to read and comment, and enjoyed the drabble.

I don't think I've completely given up on Pirates fandom - I'm still trying to keep up with reading, but don't have the fic bunnies myself at the moment. However given that I'm still 100% a JD fangirl, I don't think I'll ever lose my love for Jack or the movies. Also, who knows what inspiration will strike when Number 4 comes out :)

I'm glad you like the icon too! :)


kepp0xy January 4 2009, 08:16:29 UTC
OH! I love the descriptions you've used to describe Arthur being drawn to the sword, absolutely fantastic.


fried_flamingo January 8 2009, 21:49:03 UTC
Thank you so much! :D


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