I absolutely hate it when I tell myself to write this-and-this-and-this-and-so on the blog when the time comes. Only when I do finally sit in front of the PC and is logged in, my mind draws a blank.
Zip. Na-dah.
Because weekends are just packed with a whole basket of craziness and hence I'm usually away from the PC and I stuff all the greatness into this little pocket of mind. Only it seems that my pocket has a hole and everything just slips out like spare change.
But oh, oh, I do remember one thing now! Was watching the whole 'Toy Story' trilogy... Toy Story 1 - 3 yesterday with a bunch of friends (which was supposed to include
artemis_obscure but she was away on the highlands =P). And then when the credits for Toy Story 1 rolled in, BAM.
Joss Whedon.
Joss Whedon was involved in 'Toy Story 1'.
Ze greatness.