I've Built a Lot of Castles; I've Built a Lot of Blazing Speed-of-Light Machines

Sep 15, 2010 09:09

So erm, why did I decide to cancel my whole day leave and come in for half a day?

Oh right, because I kinda like my job and I'm an idiot. Ha. Ha. But seriously, I don't mind the meetings because I like running around town and doing meetings with people. I think it's the new sights and sounds thing which I love.

Still, the only reason I was taking leave is 'cause I've got an EXAM in the afternoon. After three years of leaving university, I have an EXAM! *flails arms* And like in uni, I barely studied and know nuts.

Mmmm... nuts.

It's a 'Coffee Series' presentation I'm doing part of my being a Barista and becoming a District Coffee Master (DCM). So there's multiple parts like talking about the history of coffee (monks and goats were involved), history of Starbucks (no, Howard Schultz didn't found it), what kind of coffee, where it comes from, how to taste and prepare coffee, and just overall talk a lot.

I've been told it's just to see how confident we are and how we can pull off lying through out teeth convincing people.

Wish me luck? =)

work, whee, life, random

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