Where Trouble Melts like Lemon Drops; Away Above the Chimney Tops

Sep 08, 2010 10:04

The morning light in shinning through the tiny gaps of my office blinds, casting delicate shadows across my desk and over my freshly brewed tea. The honey I squeezed into my drink creates a gentle sweet fragrance that's carried over by the steam coming from the hot brew. My work's laid out across my monitor screen and the air conditioner softly blows over me.

And right behind me, my colleague plays the theme song to the Pirates of the Caribbean.

And I highly doubt Jack Sparrow drinks tea with honey or even uses the computer for website revamp proposals.

But I think it's an appropriate theme as I collect my own zen to call up the ONLY telecommunications company in Malaysia as I battle with them over my office phone lines and internet.

Oh, and I came upon this contest "Tales from the Tunnel" and I thought this was a lovely story. Though hopefully it's true.

It was my second or third week of work at a new job. I was not feeling so well, but went to work anyway since I had just started. As I was getting off the E train at the 51st / Lexington stop (coming from Penn Station), the crowd and me being sick were not mixing too well. As I stepped onto the platform I took a deep breath hoping to get my bearings. Suddenly this very handsome man turned and asked me, “Are you ok?”. I had seen him standing not far from me in the subway car and thought how handsome he was. I can still see him holding the bar with one hand and a magazine in the other. He was wearing a tan suit with suspenders, and these great brown shoes.

Amazed that this handsome prince was talking to me I told him, “I am fine, thanks.” He asked again adding that “you don’t look so good”, but I assured him I was ok and we continued up the escalator separately (about ten people apart).

Afraid that I might never see him again I wanted to say something more to him, but didn’t know what! As I was about to head to the 6 train and him exit the train station I got his attention by shouting over the crowd “Thanks so much for asking”. Figuring I would never see him again!

I remember going into work and telling my colleagues about this beautiful man who had talked to me on the train, and although I doubted it, how much I hoped I would bump into him again.

Much to my surprise the next week, again on a Thursday, there he was on the E-train. Standing right next to me! I would have loved to have said something, but no words came out. I figured he would not have remembered me. But much to my surprise as I stepped onto the platform once again, I heard this voice saying “You are looking much better today”. We started talking as we rode up the escalator together. As it turned out he lived in my town in Long Island. He took the same LI railroad train in as myself, but stood at the other end of the platform. This explained why I had never seen him!

The following week I was daring enough to head down to the other end of the platform hoping to see him again. Which I did. We started sitting together on the train in the morning. Somehow we started emailing one another, and then we went out on our first date to Charlie O’s inside Penn Station (it’s now a TGIF- UGH!!).

Here it is 10 years later….we have been married almost five years and have a beautiful son who is almost 2.

Every once in a while he’ll get me a E-Train teddy bear or card or something to remind me of how we met.

work, life, random

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