How Do You Thank Someone Who Has Taken you from Crayons to Perfume

Sep 06, 2010 09:24

Dear Silver coloured Honda that was driving on the SPRINT highway last Saturday at 7PM (GMT +8),


Please don't hit your brakes and make an emergency stop right in the middle of the lane just because you missed your turning into the KERINCHI LINK highway.

Do you want to know why?

Because my car was behind you and even though I abide by the rules and stayed a good 25 feet away from you, yet since I was driving at 80KM/hr (approx 50 miles per hour and also within the speed limit on ze highway), it is EXTREMELY difficult to stop my car just in time without colliding into your sorry ass.

So your see, I slammed my own brakes, my tyres screeched, and thought to myself, "Oh shit. I'm gonna hit this guy." Miraculously, God must be watching over me and seeing that I drive a car with a size similar to a Mini Cooper, I was about an inch away from your ass when the vehicle finally stopped.

Yet, when I honked and caught my breath, you decided to move a metre ahead and stop again. By that time, I switched the next lane, honked you, and what do you do? Stare ahead as if nothing happened.

No fun.

And I know what you guys must be thinking...

Nope, I don't drive a Mini Cooper. I has a Kenari named Rodney.

With absolutely no love,

wtf, life

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