The problem is that Lord of the Rings has really ruined all other serious fantasy movies that can't match up. The Chronicles of Narnia was good enough not to come across as fairly lame. Eragon? Eh, the verdict is mixed. For one thing, it's meant to be taken fairly seriously, but there are too many corny and trite moments. It's easier when the story is meant to be a bit more campy or whimsical, a la Willow or The Princess Bride. Eragon is lightweight fantasy...and the story did not end with the closing of the movie. Clearly this is designed to be at least a two-parter...the question is, will the movie do well enough to justify making the sequel? Battlefield Earth ended having only told half the story from Hubbard's novel, but it tanked so badly that a sequel never came close to being greenlit. I think, should an Eragon sequel be made, I might wait for the DVD. In any case, I didn't like the movie enough to change my
MySpace name, so I went back to using my actual name for the first time in about a year and a half.
I invited Shana to go to the lala get together with me. She'll let me know when I wake up this afternoon if she can make it.
I hate this time of year. I try not to let it get to me, but it's hard. Dec. 31 will mark 19 years since my mom died. Has it really been so long? Next year I will definitely make the trip to her grave site for the 20th anniversary. I dread it already. I haven't been there since the 10th anniversary on Dec. 31, 1997.