Endings are a delicate matter

Dec 01, 2010 23:14

I've just seen the finale of Caprica, "Apotheosis". I'm neither disappointed nor blown away. I'm rather in the middle, noticing some bad stuff here and there or the lack of some good stuff I tended to associate with Caprica, and yet spotting a few neat things, acknowledging the effort and a certain achievement in bridging Caprica and BSG. I don't think I will write any review now though. I may wait for the flisters who didn't download the episodes showed on SPACE channel.

Let's just say that it is a real finale. It is action-packed, rushed and even botched up in places (but how could it not given they had only 42 minutes to do so ?!), not the quality and depth that Caprica had often showed (you know all the moral and philosophical stuff that some viewers found boring and dull), but they did wrap the series up, providing resolution for several storylines, which makes me think that, although there's some material left out, a second season has never really been expected...

I will miss Caprica for its best features and assets, but the flaws I will forget. Above all, I will miss Daniel Graystone, and the character study the series managed so many times. Eric Stoltz owned the screen; he has never been better.

Finales are tricky and rarely good. It's difficult for me to find a finale really satisfying.

I didn't like "Chosen" much when I saw it the first time but it worked as a finale for BtVS; I had problems with certain aspects of the BSG finale but it didn't go against the rest of the show; I still think that Dollhouse finale rather sucked, and I haven't made my peace with the Lost finale yet.

But maybe how it ends isn't that important, it's the journey that matters... some wise man said that one day, I believe.


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